Your personal number is 22: If you do not know your personal number, discover it with our free application: your Way of Life. For many numerology specialists, the 22 is the most powerful number of all. Its composition is important: it has the intuitive qualities of 11 (11 + 11) and those of 2 + 2 = 4 for rationality. Suffice to say that the 22 is not only complete, materially and spiritually, but it is also the master builder! His will to power sweeps over those he influences, with the weight and the risks that this entails.

- Color of number 22: black/white
- Element of number 22: Earth
- Planet associated to number 22: Pluto
Like the 11th, the 22nd has a luminous vibratory mode, almost supernatural. He often marks personalities who mark history or their generation. The 22nd also represents a stage of evolution which involves a requirement of truth. After the intuition of the 11th, it is a question of finding, of realizing. Naturally, an 11 is born with weapons at the height of his challenge. Powerful, talented, creative, he knows how to impose himself without discussion.
The qualities of number 22: perfectionism, idealism, success, charisma, power, creativity, emotion, construction, independence, movement.
The defects of the number 22: manipulation, flight of responsibilities, wandering, depression, devaluation.
The number 22 on the heart side
Like the 11th, the 22nd may encounter obstacles in his sentimental journey, if he is too demanding. Solicited in many ways by his encounters but also by the other challenges of life, the 22 tends to put his emotional life aside. He believes that he will succeed without difficulty and puts the Other in parentheses, all occupied with greater designs. He can also sin by utopia: he is waiting for someone so extraordinary that he does not even see his potential partners... in everyday life. The 22 is indeed the great love, the absolute, which obviously, is not easy.
The number 22 at work
Concrete and endowed with a vision out of the ordinary, the 22 has everything to succeed a career remarkable. He gives himself every means to succeed. Thanks to his practical intelligence and his sense of observation, he makes the right choices, never engaging in dead ends. Intuitively, he weaves between obstacles and has only one idea in mind: to go higher, always higher. Very independent, he has the ability to work in a team (thanks to the repetition of the number 2). He feels stronger and better armed when he finds partners to support him in his pursuit of a higher goal. At work, he is passionate, so when he has the chance to find what suits him, he gives himself completely. We see it well in prestigious professions, in the luxury industry or in the great diplomacy, even in politics.
The form of number 22
he 22, like the other master-numbers, is solid, powerful and carried towards the effort. He does not take care of himself, as hard with himself as he can with others. However, he must be wary of the effect of his emotions on his psyche. Even anger can be harmful, as can frustration and resentment. He must thus monitor his lymphatic system, just like his blood pressure ... Attention to the excesses that can lead him to neglect his small weaknesses, which he despises. He may have a tendency to take medication and become addicted to it. This would not be very good for a nature whose weak point could be depression.