In the Tarot of Marseille, the Chariot bears the number VII. This card symbolises the success of something. On the card is a warrior, riding a two-horse chariot. He is victorious. It is the image of a winner. More generally, we can also interpret the Chariot as representing a journey, or a lover pursuing the one he loves.

When drawn, the Chariot is very positive. It represents triumph and victory, but it is enormously dependent on the cards that surround it. If there are negative cards next to the Chariot, then it becomes a bad card; a sign of dominance or bad influences. Overall though, it is usually a beneficial card.

Drawn face up
The Chariot card drawn face up is a symbol of success, power and triumph. It shows that the consultant is in perfect control of what's going on, succeeding through force of character and stability. The Chariot is synonymous with perseverance, willing stubbornness - the consultant sees their plans through, and gives themselves the means to succeed. This is a card that gives the desire to proceed, guiding us towards the right path and announcing real success.
Its meaning: Triumph, success, will, strength, advancement, progress.
Drawn upside-down
The Chariot card drawn upside-down, however, reveals that the consultant is struggling in vain, and that their ambitions will come to nothing. They won't succeed. If on top of that, the neighbouring cards are bad, then this is a sign of a lack of trust, weakness, and maybe even the start of a depression. Drawn upside-down, this card is a sign of insurmountable obstacles, which the consultant will never be able to overcome.
Its meaning: Failure, danger, depression, lack of courage, weakness.
The first meaning of this card is positive: it is a symbol of sudden and unexpected success, and means the consultant will be correctly guided by their intuition. The Chariot is a source of good news, provided its neighbouring cards don't upset its primary meaning.