This card bears the number IX, and on it is a hermit or a monk, making his way alone, and supported by a stick. He is an old, bearded man who could be likened to a sage. In his right hand, he holds a lamp to light his way, and a book lies at his feet.

The Hermit card symbolises a moment in which the consultant finds themselves isolated, going through a crisis, and re-assessing things, for better or worse. The Hermit is on a quest for wisdom, and his lantern is there to guide him. He symbolises a moment of introspection in which memories can resurface and unveil the past; a sign that a certain stage must be reached before real peace can be found. It symbolises a period of change.
The Hermit card symbolises solitude, ageing, and delay. It represents a period of difficulty, but one that is necessary to move towards the light, for the Hermit is also a sign of wisdom.

Drawn face up
The Hermit card drawn upright symbolises movement; it is a sign of slowness and heaviness. The consultant is going to make slow progress. This card shows that a change is already happening; a solid and profound change, which will definitely see itself through. There's light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not too far off; obstacles just need to be dealt with one by one. Slowness is synonymous with caution, patience, and doing things correctly; the consultant is in no rush. They will advance slowly but surely, on a quest for truth.
The person who draws this card will go through a difficult time, and will feel worn-out, but the Hermit will show them the way to follow.
Its meanings: caution, solitude, reconsideration, thinking things through, truth
Drawn upside-down
The Hermit card drawn upside-down reveals that the consultant is stuck, unable to move forward. They don't know how to get out of a delicate situation. This card is a sign of failure, impotence, weakness. It evokes obstacles that are impossible to overcome. The consultant will also have a tendency to surround themselves with the wrong people. They will follow advice that won't always be very wise.
Its meanings: solitude, passivity, gloom, silence, poverty, exclusion
The Hermit symbolises the path to enlightenment. It means the consultant will advance prudently, with the goal of reaching a better future. It represents a slow and peaceful phase of development.