On card number XIV, we have an Angel holding a cup, into which he is pouring a liquid. As its name suggests, the Temperance card symbolises calm, tranquility and rest. If a person is ill, this card is a sign of recovery and healing. This card also brings balance to energy; the person concerned will regain their strength, on the right road to their recovery. The angel is also a protector, guarding against illness or aiding the healing, but he can also symbolise the protection of an individual. A benevolent force is there to guide us, and help us to move forward.

Temperance is normally interpreted as being the card of rest and convalescence. If it appears with the Moon, we can tell that the consultant is troubled by anxieties. Temperance can also announce a change in attitude, or in the person's lifestyle.

Drawn face up
When the Temperance card is drawn upright, it means that there will be a fruitful exchange between the consultant and someone else. Life is peaceful, and just following its course. Everything's going well, and things will continue to be calm and stress-free. This is the card of revitalisation; a sign that the person will regain their energy. When it follows the Nameless Arcanum, it can announce that things will go back to normal. This is a positive card.
Its meanings: calm, joy, serenity, good health, healing
Drawn upside-down
When the Temperance card is drawn upside-down, it's a bad sign. It shows that the consultant is troubled, and spreading themselves too thin. It can even mean that their health is in a delicate state. They aren't able to find a way out, and feel trapped in a situation that causes them to suffer. They might also have problems with work relationships.
Its meanings: agitation, greed, chaos, laziness
Temperance rebalances the energies. When facing the right way up, it symbolises healing and open communication with others, and means that all exchanges will be successful.