The World card bears the number XXI, and it is the best card in the Tarot of Marseille. It is extremely positive. On it can be seen a naked woman, surrounded by the four elements at the source of life. The World represents flourishing and accomplishment in life. In this card, man has found harmony; unity between his body and soul. He possesses an inner wealth that cannot be shaken.

This wisdom gives him strength and courage. The World card symbolises the Illuminated, he who has reached Nirvana; a freed being. In the first instance, this card can also announce travel, productive exchanges, movement, or creation. It is the card of success, a sign of recognition and development. It brings great joy and light, which naturally spreads to the cards around it.

Drawn face up
Drawn face up, the World evokes light, and if it's accompanied by the Sun card, the consultant has a very good draw indeed - they are sure to succeed in their plans. With the World card, the consultant knows that they will succeed in getting what they want; they will have total success. Their dreams will all become reality. This will be a wonderful time, perfect for investing in or undertaking a new project. The World card symbolises beauty, stability, and aesthetics.
Its meanings: success, bliss, joy, happiness.
Drawn upside-down
The World card drawn upside-down isn't that bad. The card's initial qualities aren't destroyed, just weakened. The World card is always a positive card, and its meaning does not change. Even upside-down, the World card is a sign of success, it's just that there will be a bit longer to wait. The consultant will need to be patient.
Its meanings: delay, hostility, slow success
The World is the best card there is, and means positive news. It guarantees success.