Install our solution in white label to implement a complete daily horoscope written by a professional astrologer:
Code to copy on your website :
Free Horoscope is offering webmasters a white-label solution in order to enable them to post a complete, exclusive daily horoscope for all 12 signs of the zodiac, as compiled by our astrologer, Susan, on their site, blog or forum.

To install your own-brand horoscope, you first of all need to indicate the size of the space you wish to allocate (minimum 400 x 400 pixels) by using the form below and clicking on "Update code". You will then need to copy and paste this code without modification on to your site. If you want to trial this first, you can click on "Trial this solution", which will post your own-brand horoscope within the size and space specified.
If you want a personalised solution, please contact us by email, indicating the name and address of your website. Our team will be very happy to respond.
NB : In installing our white label on your website, you hereby undertake not to change the source code provided here free of charge. Free Horoscope cannot be held responsible for any problems encountered on your site during the implementation of these solutions.