Resilience is the ability to live, bounce back, and develop in spite of life's hard knocks. In other words, it is the desire to want to land on our feet, to rebuild ourselves and to move forward. How is this concept expressed in astrological signs? Let's tour the Zodiac and stop at each of them to see how this concept of resilience is understood.

Are you resiliant?
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    #page_tag_title# Developing your potential : If you feel a slump, which is normal after a shock, remember how huge your potential is, and all you need to do is click it to set it in motion. Jog to refresh your ideas, and think about your past success during your relaxation sessions. This is how you will be resilient, and your future success will be greatly improved!


    #page_tag_title# Embracing change : Accept the idea that change is inevitable in your existence. That's how life goes: no evolution without change. And even if you don't want to evolve, change is inevitably underway. Adapting to this scenario will allow you to put in place more dynamic methods, to distinguish the non-modifiable circumstances of your existence, and improve the aspects of your life that you want to change.


    #page_tag_title# Set goals : To bounce back, you need to move forward gradually, setting small, short-term goals. Be clear as to the distance you can cross so as not to collide with the bulkhead of your illusions. If you move wisely step by step, you will feel better. You will go on a more clear and safer path. And you will rebuild yourself through your new success.


    #page_tag_title# Find your fertility : Don't see the crises in your life as impossible. There is little you can do to avoid being at the mercy of certain events. When they appear during your lifetime, urge yourself to get a more holistic view and be aware that every moment of stress is only fleeting. By appealing to your poetry or creativity, you will bond with the resilient part of yourself that will spread balm on your wound.


    #page_tag_title# Renew : Resilience can lead you to see things from a different perspective: by connecting with others, by summoning your artistic talents, by changing your professional orientation, and mainly by exploiting new times that are opening up before you. Many testimonies report that during their transformation phase, victims renewed their point of view about themselves, others, and existence in general. Their resilience has led them to take on challenges, do sports, or even change careers, to lead an existence that is more in line with them.


    #page_tag_title# Take care of yourself : Do not miss out on yourself and take care of your true self. Your schedule should not be occupied only with your work or your daily tasks. Trust the things that you thrive on and treasure. Enjoy life, and then rest. Spend time with people who allow you to feel one with yourself. In any case, listen to this little inner voice that wishes you good!


    #page_tag_title# Treat your personality : Maintain a positive image of yourself: confidence in your faculties and positive behavior are two crucial points that allow you to be singularly resilient. After a hard shock, it is necessary to feel the need to reconnect to the spiritual part of your personality, read, and reconnect with your body and your mind through several activities. A wakeful and active mind will allow you to chase sterile thoughts. Thus you will build a solid foundation, which will support you in the future.


    #page_tag_title# Consider your transformative faculty : Keep in mind that you are still part of this world. If you are traumatized, it does not mean that your life is about to drift away. Your individuality or your values may be questioned, but this is to start better, move forward, and progress. Your ability to transform is one of the most important of the zodiac, don't underestimate it. On the rubble of your trauma, you bounce back and reach the sky.


    #page_tag_title# Take initiatives : To start anew, do not fall into the procrastination trap. Of course, it is a time to regain strength. But your nature is such that if you are allowed to do something right now, you do it as soon as possible. Making decisions will suit you and revive your leadership spirit. If this is irrelevant, take the strength to wait a moment without devoting all your thoughts to it.


    #page_tag_title# Use your memory : Remember your personal story. Ask yourself how you overcame and transmuted great difficulties. By keeping in mind what you have endured in the past, you will become more creative in rediscovering the solutions of your resilient reconquest. If you can recognize them, put back on track, what has helped you deal with other problems or traumas in your life.


    #page_tag_title# Make useful contacts : Get books or browse the internet to collect essential info. Then don't neglect to find individuals who have gone through the same ordeal to share your intimate experiences. Turn to a professional if you feel confused or disoriented; take an interest in new forms of therapy because novelty succeeds you in resonating with your modernist and open personality.


    #page_tag_title# Rebuilding your true self : Reprogram new and solid neurological patterns. To boost your confidence, get rid of stressed thoughts or at least minimize them. How? 'Or' What? By making positive, open, bright statements. A whole series of affirmations throughout the day manipulate your mind and contribute to better progress. This does not remove the trauma but helps you transmute it. With sentences as simple as: "I am capable of," "I make inventive decisions," or even: "I am brilliant," you will find fruitful dimensions of your being.