In traditional astrology, there are 12 signs determined by the date of birth. They are distinguished by their vibrational mode, element, and polarity. Each sign is also linked to a ruling planet, which indicates the main characteristics of its personality. The Ascendant is another very important element: it is the zodiac sign that was in the east at the place of birth. The Ascendant defines the impression one gives and the motivations that drive them forward. All this information helps determine a person's potential quite precisely: their strengths, weaknesses, assets, and vulnerabilities.

If you're unsure about your astrological sign, calculate it for free with our app: "what is my star sign ?" by entering your birth date. If you are born on a pivotal date, where the sign changes, the best thing, in this case, is to contact our administrators at this address: [email protected]. They can give you the exact position of your sun and also your decan.

  • What are my main qualities?
  • What flaws should I work on?
  • What activities am I most passionate about?
  • How can I manage my emotions?
  • What strength defines me best?
  • What changes do I need?
  • What goals should I pursue?
  • What activities bring me fulfillment?
  • What values influence my choices?
  • How do my personality traits affect my interactions?

Moreover, every human being is unique and cannot be reduced to just their Sun sign (Sun: Who am I really?). It is the combination of the 10 planets in signs, houses, and their interactions that refine and clarify each personality. This is also what we invite you to discover here:

  • Moon: How do I feel things?
  • Mercury: How do I think and communicate?
  • Venus: What do I love, and how do I love?
  • Mars: How do I act and fight?
  • Jupiter: Where am I lucky, and how do I grow?
  • Saturn: What are my challenges and responsibilities?
  • Uranus: In what way am I unique and rebellious?
  • Neptune: What colors my imagination and sensitivity?
  • Pluto: What transforms me deeply?