
Calendar of the New Moon in 2025

Written by Evie

The Moon's cycle begins on the New Moon when the Sun and Moon are conjoined. The Moon takes about 29 days to travel around the zodiac and therefore stays 2 or 3 days in each sign. Halfway through its revolution, it faces the sun, and it is a Full Moon. The Moon is invisible on the New Moon, and the night is dark.

The New Moon is a sign of beginnings, departures, and starts. It induces a climate of concentration, reflection, and calm which contributes to making good decisions to prepare well before we take flight. It is the moment to expose one's arguments, launch a business, take responsibility, or make a promise.

People born on the New Moon exalt the energy and dynamism of a gushing impulse. They can draw others into their wake and lead them. But this conjunction also induces confusion because they perceive others and the world through the filter of their own person. The New Moon favors pioneers.

January 29, 2025: New Moon in Aquarius

Whimsical and idealistic, the new moon in Aquarius makes our words more spontaneous yet always friendly. In matters of love, this configuration can be a charming asset, highlighting originality and light-heartedness.

This new moon is not only conjunct the Sun but also Mercury and Pluto, and this quartet has excellent relations with Jupiter, which is retrograde in Gemini. So much air!

Another cluster of three planets in Pisces—Venus, Saturn, and Neptune—are in excellent terms with Mars, which is also retrograde and located in Cancer.
So much water!

Uranus, which is retrograde in Taurus, connects these two groups through a double sextile, bringing a touch of earth and thus realism into all this poetry. This new moon in Aquarius offers a peaceful sky and an atmosphere as creative as it is sentimental.

Let’s now take a closer look at what this unique configuration brings us.

This new moon in Aquarius, therefore, conjunct with the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto, puts the focus on intellect. Thoughts are original, even unusual, but deep. It is relatively easy to concentrate; the mind is open, sharp, and infused with positive emotions. Instinct and realism blend to result in inspired and sensible decisions.
Jupiter in trine to this trio enhances all these good dispositions by opening our minds, making us more tolerant, and allowing us to consider all possibilities. It promises a beautiful harmony on sometimes contentious subjects.

Venus in Pisces, conjunct Neptune, could overflow into an excess of romantic illusions, but Saturn keeps watch and brings the most romantic feelings back to reason. Thus, we have a very balanced emotional climate, mixing fantasy and wisdom. The trine to Mars only reinforces these good dispositions, harmoniously blending emotions and physical ardor, promising a very sensual atmosphere, perfect harmony, and unity in love stories.

If Uranus from Taurus brings change, it is always for the better. It encourages new activities and budding romances, allowing us to stand out while staying supportive.

Let’s take advantage of the exceptionally harmonious sky of this January new moon to start the year well!

February 28, 2025: New Moon in Pisces

The new moon in Pisces often signifies confusion, disorder, or even chaos. Those who know how to let go—dreamers, poets, and some researchers—benefit from these creative influences that exalt intuition. Others, however, might find themselves completely lost in strange atmospheres...

The tension caused by this sky is linked to the typically heightened lunar sensitivity. The Sun and Moon, drowned in the elusive sign of Pisces, induce a day full of indecision. We must soften our control and tap into our creativity. This tension is further heightened by the square with Jupiter, which exaggerates everything and gives our emotions an utterly unreasonable scope.

Fortunately, nearby is the Mercury-Saturn duo, which timely brings some order and common sense into this flood of sensations, impressions, and confusion. It’s up to us to discern wisely, keeping our feet on the ground and focusing on facts rather than impressions that could lead to errors in judgment or poor decisions.

Mars, well-positioned in Cancer, offers activities that can positively channel this flood of emotions. Any artistic work is recommended in this situation, as creations can then overflow with creativity. This is especially true as Uranus, for its part, encourages initiatives and fosters excellent atmospheres that favor original, even unusual, but always realistic productions (because Uranus is in Taurus).

With Venus sextile to Jupiter, feelings take center stage, and this new moon could bring us particularly pleasant surprises. Daily life offers a breath of exoticism; we have an open mind and are more readily available for all discoveries. We may also seize beautiful financial opportunities, making profitable investments to ensure a bit more stability and security in the future.

Pluto is isolated at the beginning of Aquarius, so the air is lighter and more carefree. As long as it aligns with collective interest, it poses no problem. It's the perfect time to relax and enjoy life without pondering too many existential questions this time.

March 29th: New Moon in Aries

The Sun and the Moon, both in Aries, create a bold, even daring, atmosphere. This duo encourages entrepreneurial spirit but also impulsive language, rebellious energy, and adventurous undertakings. We crave action, stronger connections, more exciting relationships, and new experiences.

With 12 conjunctions, 4 trines, and 5 sextiles, there are no squares or oppositions. This New Moon in Aries is under a sky full of harmony!

Although Mercury is retrograding towards Pisces, it remains in Aries and adds a pioneering spirit to the day’s energy. Our intuition leads us to intense activities where we can exchange ideas and methods in a very fulfilling environment.

Just behind, three planets occupy the last degrees of Pisces: Saturn, Venus (retrograde until April 14th),and Neptune.
Venus retrograde brings awareness to our emotional or financial deficiencies, highlighting our ability to love or be loved. It clarifies what we cherish and what we reject. The retrograde of Venus brings a wave of certainty that dissipates doubts. Under these influences, we feel that a relationship or an encounter is taking a stable and lasting turn. As Venus retrogrades, it fosters a calming atmosphere and shields us from tensions. Finally, Venus retrograde conjunct with Saturn and Neptune is perfectly balanced between reason and feelings, allowing romance to flourish, firmly guided by Saturn’s good sense and logic.

Pluto, which was solitary last month, now forms a trine with Jupiter during this New Moon. This aspect prompts us to reassess and realize that what doesn’t work must change, even if it means dismantling outdated structures. The trend is towards reflection, making this an excellent opportunity to make clear and determined choices and to find more serenity. As this trine occurs in air signs, we can imagine a better future through intellect and then apply it to our daily lives.

April 27th: New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus brings a stable and industrious atmosphere. This configuration makes us creative but stubborn. However, this strong determination inspires us to give our best. It’s a great day to bring professional or romantic projects to fruition.

This New Moon is a bit tense, with a square to Mars and Pluto. Emotions are heightened, reactions are excessive, and we need to channel tensions into intense activities without taking reckless risks. Our energy temporarily escapes our control, which can lead to conflicts, radical decisions, and anxiety.

Since the last New Moon, things have changed: Mercury has entered Aries, and aided by Mars, it provides strong mental energy that easily and quickly translates into tangible achievements.
Venus has resumed its direct motion in Pisces and is now in conjunction with Saturn and Neptune in the last degrees of this dreamy sign. Venus also receives excellent influences from Mars and Uranus. Meetings are full of promise; singles have every chance to find their soulmate, and couples bring a touch of fantasy into their daily lives. It’s a wonderful period of complicity and solidarity.
Mars traverses the first degrees of Leo, opening a period of great creativity that should support artists and lovers alike. Not without friction, as the Sun in Taurus forms a square with Mars: wills clash, power struggles may arise, and Mars’s opposition to Pluto only strengthens this sometimes excessive determination. We should thus channel this dynamism into creativity rather than constant conflict.
However, Mars is supported by Saturn and Neptune, providing stability and a promise of durability in all activities. A sorting process takes place between what is outdated and needs to be discarded and what new developments should be cherished and preserved.
In the coming days, Venus will enter Aries, igniting passions, and Pluto will begin retrograding at the start of Aquarius, forcing us to reconsider our fundamentals.

May 27th: New Moon in Gemini

This configuration creates a lively and chatty atmosphere, full of intersecting energies. Adaptability and sociability encourage good, numerous but light exchanges. This is not the time to address contentious issues or spark controversies.

Venus has entered Aries, Mercury has moved from Taurus to Gemini, the Sun is now in Gemini, and Saturn has left Pisces for Aries. The celestial scene has significantly shifted in recent weeks!

This New Moon in Gemini is particularly well-supported with the Sun, of course, but also Venus and the close presence of Uranus, which is just a few degrees away at the end of Taurus. This cluster, in a quadruple trine with Pluto, offers all the hope for the world to change, transform, and flourish in a more harmonious and humane environment.

This quartet also acts as a bridge for Neptune and Saturn, which have recently entered Aries. Fire and air mix harmoniously, igniting a beautiful burst of ideas, projects, decisions, and above all, new beginnings. However, this configuration also brings a lot of agitation and nervousness, so it’s essential to control our emotions, feelings, desires, and actions to avoid detrimental excesses to the personal and collective progress being offered to us.

All the planets are either in fire or air signs, except for Uranus, which finishes its journey in Taurus, providing just enough earth to bring a bit of realism to all this excitement. Water is entirely absent, so emotions are governed by intellect and action. Strong wills prevail, but we must be careful not to hurt our loved ones with sharp or ironic remarks. Similarly, while Mars in Leo represents a huge potential for significant achievements, we must avoid the sin of pride and overly authoritative behavior.

Overall, the sky of this May New Moon is particularly rich in opportunities for everyone: emotions filtered through reason, spontaneous and powerful feelings, rewarding activities, more benevolent authorities, and immense creativity. The only real pitfall is a tendency to dream too high, act too radically, or resist (unnecessarily) inevitable rules. This sky invites us to rebirth and fraternity; let’s heed its call!

June 25: New Moon in Cancer

During this phase, we become more receptive and sensitive to our surroundings. Our heightened sensitivity encourages us to be compassionate and protective. The sense of family is exalted, which might, for some, interfere with their love life.

The sky during this new moon is a bit less favorable than last month. Five planets have changed signs: Venus has moved into Taurus, Mercury into Cancer, along with Jupiter. Mars has entered Virgo, and naturally, the Sun has shifted into Cancer with the summer solstice.

The Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are closely conjunct at the beginning of Cancer. This combination of energies provides a significant boost where emotions are amplified (especially since the Moon is in its domicile),feelings are heightened, and everything takes on extraordinary importance, including our personalities.

For the better: Mars forms a sextile, adding goodwill, a desire to do things well, and concern for others.
For the worse: There’s a double square to Saturn and Neptune, leading to errors, confusion, rigidity, and considerable fatigue.

Fortunately, Mercury is well-positioned to keep us grounded if we rely on our intellect rather than our often misleading impressions. Supported by the same Saturn and Neptune, Mercury structures our intellect while opening up horizons and encouraging spirituality. Additionally, the sextile to Uranus brings sudden and brilliant ideas to exploit to the fullest, provided we trust ourselves.

Venus is approaching Uranus, both in Taurus, enhancing sensuality. However, the square to Mars can create discord in relationships by separating emotions from physical desire, especially in new relationships. So, in the case of a promising encounter, it’s wise to take the time to get to know the other person before committing. For couples, Uranus brings fun and surprises, making it a perfect time to surprise your partner, rekindle passion, or perhaps enjoy a romantic getaway together.

The overall atmosphere during this new moon is very family-oriented. Extend invitations that include all generations, and you’re sure to enjoy warm, fulfilling moments.

July 24: New Moon in Leo

This new moon enhances our magnetism and brings energy useful for making important decisions. Everything related to performance and presentation is favored. It’s a great time to network with influential people, host a reception, showcase your creations, or treat yourself to some jewelry.

As the Moon joins the Sun at the first degree of Leo, it forms a beautiful aspect with Saturn and Neptune but opposes Pluto. Our emotions are vibrant but can be controlled and mastered (if we choose). We are encouraged to analyze our behavior to make useful adjustments in our relationships. This personal effort may involve challenging moments, but we will ultimately feel more comfortable with our loved ones.

The atmosphere is particularly friendly as Venus in Gemini and retrograde Mercury in Leo form a sextile, making interactions more pleasant and tolerant, even if feelings aren't necessarily reciprocated. Mars in Virgo brings attention to detail.

A significant aspect during this period is Uranus entering Gemini. Innovations, discoveries, and communication will expand. We will witness unexpected changes in new technologies, rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, and a media frenzy. The key word for this configuration is adaptation.
In favorable aspect with Saturn, this period of upheaval is managed, controlled, and structured. Therefore, we can await, with curiosity rather than impatience, what society and scientists might offer us.

With Saturn and Mercury retrograde, things take time. Rushing is not advisable and can only lead to errors, missteps, or conflicts with authority. This is a time for assessment rather than new projects, for finishing touches rather than new beginnings.

Slow-moving planets form beautiful aspects among themselves, linking harmoniously and supporting each other, which bodes well for a more serene, balanced, and fulfilling period for all.

However, Pluto opposes this new moon, and Mars squares Venus. Pluto does not tolerate superficiality and forces us to honestly examine our growth. Emotions and feelings are deep, prompting serious introspection and the need to recognize fundamental truths, new perspectives, and an open mind. It is through others that we will catalyze this transformative power represented by Pluto. It is for them, through them, and with them that we will change our lives. Our will dominates, but we must desire it and defend it.

August 23rd: New Moon in Virgo

During this period, sensitivity is overshadowed by reason. Displays of affection are restrained, and there is a focus on performing well in tasks that require attention to detail, critical thinking, and concentration. Although the atmosphere is somewhat cerebral, the outcomes are highly effective.

Unfortunately, the Sun and Moon duo in Virgo is in conflict with Uranus, which has just entered Gemini. This alignment can lead to increased stress and nervous tension. Behaviors and reactions may be unusual or unpredictable, potentially causing family issues due to impulsive reactions and mood swings that are hard to manage.

Mars supports Mercury, fostering motivation in a dynamic environment to perform at our best. However, it is also challenged by a square with Jupiter, which tends to amplify everything. This results in a frenetic energy where we expend a lot of effort without necessarily reaping significant rewards. We must organize ourselves well and channel our energy to ensure our actions are productive. Avoid setting ambitions beyond our means. Additionally, Mars is in conflict with Saturn and Neptune, risking the squandering of our willpower in tensions that divert us from our goals. We are prone to distractions and clumsiness, making it a poor time for risky endeavors or forming new partnerships. It’s better to stick to routine, even if it’s not particularly exciting.

Venus, nearing the end of its journey through Cancer, remains very romantic, especially under the influence of a trine from Neptune. However, it is also realistic because Saturn ensures that fantasies do not overshadow our emotional reality. Our emotional control improves, making our affections more peaceful, stable, and profound. The relationship between finances and domestic life is excellent. Nonetheless, Pluto opposing Venus suggests difficulties in expressing feelings. Passions are intense, but inhibitions may block emotional communication, hindering our ability to thrive sentimentally. If we resist necessary changes to regain harmony, our relationships cannot progress without proactive efforts.

The overall backdrop remains very positive, with harmonious interactions among the major planets. This harmony likely paves the way for a new, calmer, and more just society focused on human well-being. We can hope for gentler powers and a more fulfilling existence.

September 21st: Second New Moon in Virgo

This is the second time this year that the Moon aligns with the Sun in Virgo. This repetition emphasizes the need to restore order in our lives, using our intellect to sift through and let go of what no longer serves us. It’s a thorough review following a period of reflection on the meaning of our existence.

Saturn and Neptune are very prominent during this time, opposing the trio of the Sun, Moon, and Mercury. Adaptations may be challenging if we cling to past fears and resist internal change. We must take on our responsibilities and develop discipline, choosing rigor rather than having it imposed upon us. Neptune’s opposition to the Sun challenges relationships, making encounters change in nature and sometimes destabilizing them. Saturn’s opposition to the Moon induces emotional frustrations, family problems, and difficulty in achieving personal fulfillment. Neptune heightens discomfort by amplifying sensitivity, which becomes overwhelming. The mind struggles to put moods and feelings into perspective, as Mercury is also clouded by these planets. Tasks requiring concentration are burdensome, and we may lose the desire to communicate. It’s best to avoid debates or negotiations for now.

Fortunately, another trio eases this difficult configuration: Jupiter in sextile, and Uranus and Pluto in trine. We all have the potential to flourish if we choose to change what is necessary and transform our lives toward greater authenticity and alignment with our values. We can either succumb to negative influences or embrace enthusiasm and a desire for new experiences. The choice is ours!

Mars and Venus are now in harmony: let’s take advantage of this, as it means attractions and feelings are working together. It’s a great time to initiate a romantic relationship or strengthen an existing one. However, we should not rush, as Uranus can cause unpleasant surprises if we leap into a relationship without thoughtful consideration. Let’s take the time to get to know each other before making commitments.

Finally, Mars in square to Pluto can be detrimental if our actions are poorly managed or lack strategy. Mistakes and losses are possible if we resist necessary transformations.

On October 21st, the new moon is in Libra.

This new moon is perfect for concluding affairs requiring diplomacy and an entrepreneurial spirit. This configuration is marked by new deserved gains. But beware! Any excess is detrimental and risks nullifying all the benefits of this lunar cycle.

Since the last new moon, Mars and Mercury have entered Scorpio, the sun and Venus have moved into Libra, and Pluto has resumed its direct course.

The moon-sun duo is now being challenged by Jupiter and Pluto. Everything takes on an exaggerated significance, emotions are overflowing, and some of us may become a bit too demanding or proud. We absolutely must make compromises, adapt better to others to get through this day as calmly as possible.

Mercury can significantly help us keep a sense of moderation, as it receives beautiful trines from Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. Enough to open the mind and calm sometimes explosive moods. Jupiter makes us more inclined to open up to others, to new ideas, to ambitious plans. Saturn structures our minds, allows us to remain realistic, and control our moods. Finally, Neptune keeps us in benevolence. All of this should largely counteract the negative effects and allow us to grow in wisdom and maturity.

Venus opposed to Neptune can lead us astray in nebulous loves or finances, but Pluto helps us to delve deeper into this subject so as not to be deceived.

Mars is very well placed in Scorpio, conjunct with Mercury which gives intelligence to actions, mobility, and liveliness. It is supported by Jupiter which opens up vast fields of enterprise, nurtures high goals, and gives us a lot of courage. Finally, the double trine of Saturn and Neptune ensures stability, mastery, but also a lot of creativity in our activities. Enough to occupy ourselves usefully for extremely gratifying results.

With the end of Pluto's retrogradation, feelings of loneliness or abandonment fade away. Emptiness is no longer an enemy, but an ally. Feelings of injustice diminish. The need to evolve returns with force, as crises have triggered awakenings. The time has come for us to transcend ourselves.

On November 20th, it's the new moon in Scorpio.

The new moon in Scorpio can make us irritable and suspicious. We must let go of certain heated topics and remember that pride can cause damage and lead to losses; let's keep our calm and serenity.

This new moon in Scorpio is closely conjunct with the Sun, obviously, but also with retrograde Mercury, all in the final degrees of Scorpio. Indeed, Mercury, which was moving into Sagittarius at the beginning, has, in recent days, regressed back into Scorpio, forming a rather well-aspected trio.

Emotions and reason come together to give great acuity to our reasoning and more appropriate reactions to the situations encountered.

A kite (a grand trine and three sextiles) animates this magnificent sky, involving no less than 7 planets in this extremely promising configuration. Intuition, creativity, depth of thought, inspiration, spirituality, broad perspective, tolerance, these are just some of the benefits (and the list is not complete) that we can and should enjoy at this moment.

Venus is somewhat isolated, so our emotional life is not influenced significantly, leaving us complete free will to manage our love stories. In this possessive, jealous, and suspicious sign, feelings are deep, intense, and exclusive. Love becomes a battle in which we love to win or lose, as long as the confrontation is intense and generates strong emotions or new sensations.

Mars also finds itself quite alone in Sagittarius, receiving no aspect from anywhere. Fortunately, in this dynamic and competitive sign, our energies are comfortable in leading us towards vast undertakings, grand journeys, or excellent partnerships with distant lands. We are in search of a project, adventures, movements, with a deep need to spend ourselves by taking initiatives, for the simple pleasure of acting, feeling alive, and actively participating in the life around us.

Uranus also stands apart (it's in its nature) and shoots its surprises, incidents, rebellions, good and bad surprises towards the trio Sun, Moon, Mercury. So, let's expect some upheavals in our daily lives and remember that these deviations, whether endured or chosen, are largely compensated by the benevolence of a bright sky.

On December 20th, the new moon is in Sagittarius.

This new moon offers us the opportunity to reconnect with recently neglected spiritual values, to sincerely question ourselves with tolerance. The most important thing is to learn from our mistakes to elevate our values and ideals.

The good news of this period is the end of the retrograde of Saturn, Mercury, and Neptune, the sky is lightening up!

The sky of this new moon is divided between a collection of conjunctions of the fast planets among themselves and a cascade of squares coming from Saturn and Neptune. The moon is in good company with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars, but this quartet is unfortunately restrained, constrained, misled, and we will need all our strength, convictions, and instinct to take advantage of the energies in agreement in Sagittarius to resist the ruthless duo located in Pisces.

Fortunately, the ends of retrograde have positive effects. With Mercury, exchanges calm down. Minds begin to regain their common sense. Bad faith no longer dictates discussions. Freedom is no longer claimed haphazardly. Generosity is again reasonable, and we can make ourselves heard again. This is a configuration that induces brilliant ideas and encourages us to break out of the routine. With Uranus, relationships become more stable, griefs are comforted, and doubts turn into certainties. Illusions are part of the past, the future is outlined, and the contours are clearer. It's time to think about ourselves and make a list of what we no longer want. With Neptune, love emerges from the fog and restores confidence. It obscures daily troubles and gives meaning to the future. It responds to the quest for complicity and harmony that we pursue with our peers.

Only Jupiter and Uranus are left to retrograde, but they do not negatively influence anything, quite the contrary. Their energies harmonize with the other planets, and their retrograde power only reinforces their benefits. Jupiter retrograde encourages more inner than outer realization.

During this period, we better understand the social values of our environment, but we are more detached from expectations concerning us socially; we prefer to be more receptive to our inner voice. With Jupiter retrograde, social values, beliefs, rules, morality, and ideals are reassessed through our individual filter. We have the possibility to reject what is not in line with our nature and assimilate more easily what is beneficial to us. Uranus retrograde often triggers unexpected changes in our lives or inexplicable incidents. This disruption of the usual balance encourages our freedom of expression, which can induce adjustments in our behaviors or routines. This period allows us to integrate these events; maturation occurs, and we can begin to put new ideas into practice in our daily reality.

1. Breaking news #display_date_monthly#
2. Discover Full Moon October 17, 2024
3. New Moon in Scorpio November 1st, 2024
4. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2025
5. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2025
6. New Moon Calendar for 2025
7. New Moon Calendar for 2024
8. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2024
9. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2024

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