Venus is entering Pisces. For many of us an exceptionally romantic and creative period is coming our way. Venus, goddess of love, will have a free hand to influence harmoniously the Water and Earth signs. Gemini and Sagittarius alone will be at risk of not finding this "marshmallow" at their taste. For most of us however the good sides will entail it... A touch of tenderness and poetry in this world of brutes could only do us good.

Most of the Aries have probably appreciated the passage of Venus in Aquarius which opened new doors, triggered extraordinary acquaintances and seasoned their affective life with a great deal of little surprises. But the acquaintance is followed by getting to know the other and a slow subsurface work of attachment. This transit several weeks long is perfect for staying with the one you love and letting your heart speak. Discreet but mighty bonds are creating and will give rise to more profound, more authentic and therefore more growing relations. Let your intuition come out: you will easily guess the other's expectations if you stay observant.
For several weeks your affective skies will be tinted with bright colours of dream and delight. Your alert sensuality will find countless occasions for manifesting itself through mighty relations all the while full of implications and subtleties. A fabulous transit for a true love gourmet like you. The only thing you have to do is declare your passion for grounding your acquisitions while sharing charming moments with the loved one. Your instinct can be relied on and even your finance might go through a beneficial stream during this period, think it over and try your luck on occasion.
These coming weeks it is quite likely that you'll be forced to stroke down your tone in your affections, avoiding acid criticism that you are so skilled at. An intensely romantic ambience that will be holding the key has all the means for desolating you, as you are too sober-minded to fall asleep in the other's arms to the sound of violins. Meanwhile, giving it deeper thought, this atmosphere all of sweetness and shared secrets has good sides too if you ease off slightly, and this could be an occasion to found or ground the arising affective links. Your partner will be extremely receptive to all kinds of declarations.
During these coming weeks your love and friendships will have a tint of sensitive colours of romance, dream and poetry. For some it is the occasion to share their sweet secrets, for others it might even be a marriage proposal. For everyone, an emphasis on their sensibility and capacity of understanding the other with minimum words and maximum positive waves. Your intuition is as sharp as a lancet and you guess what was untold. Plenty of passion and sensual contacts will flavour this period prolific for all kinds of affective or friendly encounters.
After passion, here comes the time of secrets whispered in intimacy. You will have to leave your weapons behind and for several weeks transform into a minstrel or a princess, to stay in this period's deeply romantic atmosphere. This shouldn't cause you any trouble as you are ready for any metamorphose when your love is at stake. With the help of your sense of performance it would be an easy thing for you to transfer and then to integrate your partner in the imaginary world of your phantasms and most sensual desires.
With Venus that is going to settle right in front for some weeks, passion is likely to be reborn in your love life! Heart and body go after each other, find each other and swap tender messages. Surrender, just this once, to instinct without asking yourself an excess of questions and you will experience voluptuous moments shared with your partner in total complicity. This utmost romance could meet resistance in some of you, but it's now or never the moment to dive into an ocean of felicity and stop trying to absolutely keep control over these moments... of magic...
Behind your romantic facade you nevertheless are a rational one, extremely attentive to the impression you make on others. These coming weeks will be beneficial for you if you manage to profit from the influence of Venus, with all your intuition and tameless impulsions. This is an occasion to abandon yourself to your sensations and cease trying to hold control of your love relation. Moments of perfect harmony, discoveries in conspiracy will mark this deeply sensual transit, provide fuel for ardent contacts with your partner and fine flavouring for your daily life with pressure being released. In addition, this transit is bringing you plenty of creativity.
Venus is leaving Aquarius where it probably has induced some tensions or frustration in your life in couple, financial sphere or contacts with friends. At its entrance in Pisces a much more sensual atmosphere is settling and you can count on your magnetic charm and your faultless intuition for catching a soulmate in your toils, gaining their heart or retaining them. No matter what type of relation, exclusive moments of mutual comprehension, confidences in intimacy or secrets told by the fireside will embellish this period rich in sensations, implications and intimations... All that you love, you've got several weeks to enjoy.
The friendly but slightly rowdy ambience that suited you will jerk to too much sugar, to sickly sweetness... At least to your eyes. During several weeks affective relations will bathe in a vaporous atmosphere which others will find romantic but which will in peculiar affect your natural spontaneity. Anything could seem complicated to you in love as well as in money matters during this period, and it's not the best moment for you to assume risks in these fields. This tendency will pass off, but till it does, surrender to your senses and don't try to control your love life.
Between Venus and you there is a long love story. Under your reserve and often apparent iciness a tender heart is hiding which these several weeks of poetry and delicacy should reward. It is an excellent moment for pay attentions to someone or to receive them, to consolidate smoothly all the affective relations of importance in your life and, especially, relax in a lovely company without any vain undersense. This transit represents a long-awaited pause in your existence sometimes so constrained recently. Moreover, these circumstances are also beneficial for your finance where your insight will work wonders.
Venus is leaving your sign to transit in your romantic neighbour during several weeks. Most rational ones among you risk afflicting their partner with some ironic sting or another, but at a large scale you can derive from this transit some delightful moments, highly sensual and full of complicity. All the game will be played upon impressions, implications and intuition, so leave your speculations ashore during this transit and let your inspiration express itself. This will be a fabulous occasion for making a poetic and refreshing pause before a fresh departure towards new adventures, with Venus passing into Aries.
Venus is a bit like your godmother fairy, its influence will lighten up your affective life in these coming weeks, but in more global sense it will influence your existence till... 2025! (The date when Neptune will enter Aries). These transits liberate a great deal of subconscious power and, according to the situation where you are, they will bring a large gust of poetry to your contacts or some confusion to your affective bonds as well as to your finance. However, if you stay Zen, following your fabulous intuition you will derive all the best from this very personal transit.