Crystals and stones have always fascinated humans; they were here before us, and they gave birth to Life. Stones transmit energies, and this magnetism attracts us. The Babylonians used stones for healing, each stone having properties that could improve the lives of the sick. It was not uncommon to use minerals or stones as talismans to feel protected. This discipline is now called lithotherapy. It involves healing through crystals. The colors of the crystals emit vibrations that soothe our ailments.

It is important to know that the individual has several chakras, each with its own color. To unblock a chakra, you need to use crystals of its corresponding color. For example, red corresponds to the head, orange symbolizes the sexual organs chakra, yellow is located at the solar plexus, pink is linked to the heart, light blue corresponds to the throat, and indigo or dark blue corresponds to the third eye.
The symbolism of crystals therefore varies according to their color and their connection with the astrological signs.
Red, like ruby, garnet, and carnelian, is the symbol of energy and vitality. It is the color of fire and blood, but also of love. It can symbolize anger, passion, or strength. People who love red are generally dominant (Scorpio, Aries).
Green corresponds to amazonite, emerald, and malachite. Green is linked to the planet Venus. Its vibration develops harmony, wisdom, and clear vision (Taurus).
Patchworks, mosaics, and multicolored nuanced shades bring the essential fantasy that symbolizes the perpetual evolution of things.
White, associated with opal, pearls, and quartz crystals, is connected to the moon. Its vibration develops a sense of essential values and the foundations necessary for the development of the self (Gemini, Cancer, Aquarius).
Yellow, represented by topaz, citrine, amber, golden beryl, or chrysoberyl, is the color of happiness and joy. These stones can also symbolize envy and ambition. Happiness comes through the influence on the environment and others (Leo).
Blue, the color of sapphire, turquoise, and aquamarine, is soothing. Blue symbolizes the connection between the sky and the earth (Libra, Sagittarius).
Black, like jet, onyx, and morion, is the color of the night and depths, representing the month of January. Black embodies mourning, but also the mysterious side of life, the secret will that gains strength through discretion (Capricorn).
Violet-blue is the color of virtue. Generally, people who appreciate this color are those who value stability and moral integrity.
Silver, linked to aquamarine, symbolizes the depths of the unconscious. Silver represents selflessness, but also the material side of life, enabling generosity and altruism (Pisces).
Gray-brown, symbolizing Virgo, is associated with agate. It reflects the search for order, perfection, and balance.
The planets exert an influence on stones and crystals, with each celestial body being associated with a specific color and energy.
Mars, the planet of courage and action, is linked to the color red. Mars embodies strength, energy, sincere friendship, and an awakened consciousness. It encourages us to act with determination and overcome obstacles. Red, through stones like ruby and carnelian, amplifies this power.
Venus, the planet of love and emotions, is connected to the color green. Green symbolizes attachments in all areas, especially in love and the power of the heart. Green stones, like emerald and malachite, promote harmony, emotional well-being, and balance in relationships.
Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, is not associated with a specific color, as its energy encompasses all the colors of the visible spectrum. Its unifying role enables better understanding and smooth flow of information, whether mental or emotional.
The Moon, associated with the color white, represents deep emotions, the unconscious, creativity, family, and security. It embodies the mother, nourishing and protective. White stones (Opal and Quartz Crystal) work on our emotional balance and inner roots.
The Sun symbolizes the ego, individual consciousness, and self-expression. It represents affirmation, personal radiance, and the impact we have on those around us. Yellow stones (like topaz) promote personal growth and autonomy.
Jupiter, the planet of luck and spirituality, transmits its vibrations to amethyst and lapis lazuli. These crystals, associated with wisdom, spirituality, and courage, nourish our selflessness and encourage synthesis, open-mindedness, and the aspiration for a higher ideal.
Saturn, the guardian of structures and time, influences the energies of jet, onyx, and sapphire. These stones symbolize power, tenacity, discipline, ambition, and loyalty. They help us maintain balance in the face of challenges and persevere in our long-term commitments.
Neptune (planet of mysticism and imagination) embodies fusion and compassion. It represents openness to universality and spiritual connections. The stones associated with Neptune (aquamarine) promote daydreaming and intuition.
Furthermore, each zodiac sign has a color that is uniquely its own. The planets exert a profound influence on stones and crystals, with each celestial body being associated with an energy that resonates with different aspects of life. Additionally, each zodiac sign is linked to a specific color, which can be amplified by a stone of the same hue. Here is an exploration of these associations, integrating color, crystals, and their connection to the signs.
Aries (Amethyst, Red)
Mars, the planet associated with courage and energy, influences Aries. Red symbolizes vitality, initiative, and courage. A stone like amethyst, with its deep violet hue, also embodies the power of transformation and bravery. Aries' red energy is connected to unmatched dynamism.
Taurus (Emerald, Green)
Venus, the planet of love and emotional attachments, is linked to Taurus. Green represents harmony, prosperity, and love. Emerald, the stone of this sign, amplifies these qualities and resonates with the energy of nature and abundance. Taurus thrives on love and beauty.
Gemini (Opal, Multicolor)
Mercury, the planet of communication, influences Gemini. This sign is associated with all colors, as it encompasses the entire visible spectrum, symbolizing adaptability, curiosity, and nuance. Opal, a multicolored stone, supports this fluidity and the search for new knowledge.
Cancer (Pearl, White)
The Moon, symbolizing emotions and creativity, is linked to Cancer. White, representing purity and gentleness, is associated with the pearl. Those born under this sign are both deep and sensitive, and white, as well as quartz crystals, enhance their connection to intuition and the maternal energy.
Leo (Amber, Yellow)
The Sun rules Leo, and its color is yellow. This sign radiates energy, charisma, and willpower. Amber, the stone of light and warmth, enhances self-expression and personal affirmation. Yellow symbolizes radiance and personal fulfillment through the affirmation of the ego.
Virgo (Agate, Dark Blue)
Saturn influences Virgo, a sign with a practical and analytical mind. Dark blue, the color of reflection and discipline, complements agate perfectly. This stone represents stability and balance, two qualities that define Virgo. Virgos are characterized by their rational thinking and ability to organize.
Libra (Sapphire, Pink)
Venus, the planet of harmony and beauty, governs Libra. Pink represents love and balance in relationships. Sapphire, a stone associated with wisdom and harmony, strengthens these traits. Libras appreciate beauty, balance, and have a sharp sense of justice, both in personal and social relationships.
Scorpio (Ruby, Red)
Mars, the planet of transformation, influences Scorpio. Red symbolizes the intense energy and passion of Scorpio. Ruby, the stone of this color, represents inner strength, willpower, and the depth of emotions. This sign is linked to personal transformation and the depth of the unconscious.
Sagittarius (Turquoise, Sky Blue)
Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, governs Sagittarius. Sky blue, associated with creativity, faith, and hope, reflects this optimistic sign, eager for knowledge. Turquoise, the stone of calm and wisdom, supports Sagittarius’ spirit of synthesis and their quest for freedom.
Capricorn (Jet, Black)
Saturn rules Capricorn, a determined, ambitious, and resolute sign. Black symbolizes the rigor and hard work necessary for success. Jet, the stone of protection and inner strength, helps overcome challenges and face trials. Capricorn is a sign of discipline and perseverance.
Aquarius (Crystal, Violet Blue)
Uranus influences Aquarius, a visionary and avant-garde sign. Violet blue symbolizes intuition and transformation. Crystal, a stone associated with clarity and open-mindedness, supports Aquarius’ evolution, driven by collective wisdom and the desire to change the world.
Pisces (Aquamarine, Silver)
Neptune, the planet of mysticism, influences Pisces. Silver, the color of mysticism and imagination, enhances traits of compassion and daydreaming. Aquamarine, the stone of this sign, amplifies intuition and spiritual connection. Pisces are deeply connected to ideals and self-sacrifice for the greater good.