The major event this year is the Pluto race. Usually, Pluto stays in a sign for about 15 years. His stay in Capricorn is exceptionally prolonged: he began his transit in this sign in 2008 and will only definitively leave it on November 19, 2024. Due to retrograde movements, Pluto has already made and will continue to make changes. back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, thus seeming to prepare us for a new era.

The stars reveal a spring full of inspiring changes, where a conjunction in April promises positive metamorphoses. The months of May and June reveal expanded horizons, tinged with compassionate values.
However, the astral adventure does not stop there: the second half of the year brings its share of challenges to overcome. Discover how these celestial influences can shape your destiny, marking the end of an era while opening the door to an exciting new page. Your destiny is reaching out to you, don't delay in discovering the challenges you will have to take on!
Until May 26th, Jupiter encourages you to stay alert to any proposal that could enrich your life, offer you the opportunity to develop new potentials or dig into old ones. Some may surprise you, seduce you, and allow you to enrich yourself (intellectually, materially, humanly, spiritually). If you feel that your ambitions are hindered by circumstances starting from August, do not give up and use this period to let go of anything holding you back (doubts, fears, complexes, etc.).
A new cycle begins with the opportunity (at least until May 26th) to embark on new adventures, to chart your own course. Unexpected events favor your quest for novelty and set you on the right path. Don't hesitate to make use of your talents. They will yield more than you hoped for. Starting in August, if one of your projects stalls or your budget is reduced, hold on tight. You will eventually succeed (in 2025).
Jupiter quietly supports your initiatives. You can count on influential people to support your projects and help you progress. Some may surprise you around April 21st with an unexpected boost. Ready to fulfill a dream, to reach a long-desired goal, do not rush the process. If you start a new expansion cycle at the end of May, it may be slowed down in the summer by a hierarchy, an authority that will ask you to revise your plans. Do not give up and get back to work.
Projects take shape, and their implementation warms your heart. Count on a promising spring to move forward, dare, and be supported by events or partners capable of accelerating your progress. If you achieve an ideal, you may find that from the summer onwards, obstacles appear in your path. You will be urged to revise your plans, so do not avoid an authority that will insistently remind you of your duties. Cooperate rather than resist in order to start a new cycle of expansion in 2025.
Events align with your wishes during a spring that enhances your radiance and puts you in the spotlight. Expect your life and career plans to evolve in a positive direction, with opportunities to surprise your surroundings or be pleasantly surprised by them. But if you feel that favorable winds turn into headwinds in the summer, do not let anything or anyone discourage you, and continue on your path.
Jupiter offers you the opportunity to broaden your horizons, push your limits, and for some, to expatriate until May 26th. Sudden departures and opportunities to take off without notice indicate a favorable destiny around April 21st, and you will evolve as you wish until spring. However, the summer may be less fun. Constraints reappear and prevent you from acting as you please. Do not ignore their resistance; examine what is holding you back to facilitate a smoother progression, even if it means freeing yourself from restrictive ties.
Sudden events will unexpectedly shape your destiny in a satisfying way. Your daily life promises to be more enriching, inspiring, and full of golden opportunities. From May 26th onwards, Jupiter invites you to take off, embrace significant challenges, and embark on new adventures. You will be reminded of duties and constraints that may feel like brakes to your expansion. Do not try to avoid them; face them. You will double your efforts in 2025.
Sentimental, professional, and social partners appreciate your company, collaborate with you, and validate your requests. An unexpected proposal will pleasantly surprise you and fulfill your wishes around April 21st. You will have the opportunity to sail through spring on a cloud. However, from the summer onwards, avoid trying to dominate others, as they may criticize you for spending money recklessly and following your own path. Take heed of the criticisms you receive (in love, at work, in the family).
Opportunities to improve your daily life arise. Spring is rich in proposals that can enrich you socially and materially. You will be surprised by the opportunities that open up to you during a season full of excitement. Your surroundings are catalysts for profound changes. If you feel your loved ones becoming burdensome from the summer onwards, do not turn away and assume your responsibilities. Confront and resolve the issues to overcome obstacles and settle unfavorable ties to the past.
Count on a benevolent spring to promote the emergence of your talents or the refinement of an art. Also, expect a season favorable to your emotional fulfillment, to reignite the flame, to conceive or welcome a child, or to make a promising encounter. You will be pleasantly surprised around April 21st and until the end of spring. Starting from the summer, do not let dark thoughts invade your mind; your surroundings are not always positive. You risk missing some opportunities to improve your daily life by dwelling on the past. Shake it off and resist the counterproductive temptation to give up.
An unexpected move, a real estate purchase that pleasantly changes the game? A child on the way, a stronger heartbeat, flourishing love, and a sudden desire to break down barriers or improve your living environment? Count on a spring full of surprises to meet your expectations and fulfill a dream. Your life is heading in the direction you desire, so do not spoil the celebration by making commitments that exceed your means. Secure your future, and if your finances are unstable, maintain confidence in your good luck without being extravagant.
With a supportive circle, pleasant (and useful) encounters, and the ability to entertain, you are appreciated by loved ones and those who seek your company during a spring full of events and contacts that can boost your morale. Do not hesitate to step out of your comfort zone, with guaranteed success until the end of spring. From the summer onwards, do not aim too high when it comes to investments, starting a family, or expanding your family. Saturn advises caution. Listen to it, because even though its calls to scale back may irritate you, they will ultimately help you channel your grand ideas.