In his chronicles beauty and fitness, David takes you on the roads of well-being, daily comfort and good mood. He unearths for you the tips and tricks of grandmother fallen into oblivion, he keeps you informed of the last advances of the science in these fields and he makes you discover the ancestral recipes of the shamans or other wizards.

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    Natural health and beauty, day-to-day fitness, herbal medicine, all the tricks to feel better about yourself are here. Whether hygiene, diet or the right way to make up, David brings his answers, fished over the last inventions, the oldest methods, the most original or unknown solutions. Do not miss this opportunity to feel at the peak of your power of seduction, in full possession of your means!

    Try at the first opportunity!

    Try at the first opportunity!

    To be shaken by hiccups means being convulsive with the diaphragm: the stiffening of the muscles located between the lungs and the abdomen blocks the flow of air through the trachea to the lungs. The method of drinking a glass of water upside down, that is by placing the mouth on the opposite edge of the glass and swallowing upside down, is a good method, probably because it absorbs the entire concentration of the mind for a specific purpose. That's why also just focusing on a task or problem that is really important to you will be enough to stop your spasm. Swallowing a sweet or acidic food is as effective as a spoonful of honey, sugar or jam; ditto for lemon juice or cider vinegar, although it is much less tasty. And you are freed from incessant and annoying hiccups! Written by David

    Shamans in harmony with the natural world

    Shamans in harmony with the natural world

    The shamans communicate with the souls of the plants and enter a state of trance to discover, in a mysterious and magical beyond, the real cause of the diseases. They ask the plant to kindly give its life to heal the sick. They respect as a person that nature that we sometimes despise. In the invisible world, plants also have their place. They have a form of subtle essence, something that looks like a soul. The shaman is the one who knows how to make the connection between the two worlds. He speaks to the hidden dimension of things: men and plants. In this context, plants are not used for their physicochemical healing properties. But they know how to intercede for the sick. They are also able to help the shaman to change his state of consciousness to get in touch with the spirits. Beforehand, the shaman or the medicine man begs the plant to ask for its life. Written by David

    Adopt the right moves!

    Adopt the right moves!

    Non-industrial fruit juices have nutrients that enhance the body's defense cells; accompanied by vegetables, seeds or cereals, it is all more effective. You must drink a liter and a half of water a day at least to hydrate your body but also the airways. Choose a physical activity to release the stress and flood you with a feeling of well-being. Sleep well, on average, seven to eight hours a night, sunbathe in the morning when possible, these are good habits to promote vitamin D production and its neurocognitive effects. Ginger tea improves the body's defense system very effectively and its bactericidal effect is proven. Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and are essential for the production of white blood cells, fervent fighters for the flu, for example. It was the cocktail of little tips of the day! Written by David

    Stay punchy!

    Stay punchy!

    To keep the spirits up this winter, select vitalizing products. One news that is starting to be talked about is the chia fresca, healthy drink whose famous chia seeds are rich in fiber: taste it and you will tell us news! As for the meal, put yourself on the anti-acid diet (yes, our modern-day diet makes us produce too much acidity and it results in fatigue or digestion problems). You will promote alkalizing foods, such as grains, vegetables, oilseeds, potatoes and dried fruits. Eat fruits outside of meals because, consumed after the main course, they cause a fermentation that prevents the digestion process and they can then induce bloating: let pass about thirty minutes. Finally, prepare a small mixture of essential oils that you will breathe in the morning on waking or in the day, on a handkerchief: rosemary + Scots pine + cinnamon. You will be at the top! Written by David

    Fall asleep in minutes

    Fall asleep in minutes

    It was a Harvard doctor who came up with this basic and effective trick to fall into the arms of Morpheus in minutes. No more nervousness under your duvet, the method found would be inspired by a yoga technique paranayama (yoga of breathing). It is also called the 4-7-8 method and with a little practice, you will go to the land of dreams like a baby. Here is the technique: you will have to stand up straight, feet on the ground, tongue glued to the palace, just behind the incisors. Phase one: Exhale through the mouth the maximum amount of air in your lungs; phase two: close your mouth and inhale gently through the nose counting up to 4; phase three: hold your breath up to 7; finally, phase 4: exhale loudly, counting to 8. Repeat the exercise three times. According to the doctor, this method fights anxiety by regulating your breathing and relaxing your nervous system. So, you will not have to count sheep by hundreds before dreaming. So, very good night to you! Written by David

    Today: magic Vaseline

    Today: magic Vaseline

    Rub a splash of Vaseline on your neck or wrists before spraying your perfume and it will last significantly longer. A DVD or CD scratched can harm your good mood, try the next time to apply a little Vaseline while making sure to wipe it could make it walk again. To prevent the ends of your hair from getting split, rub some petroleum jelly and you will not be bothered! You can get rid of makeup stains on your clothes, sheets or cushions by wetting a washcloth with a touch of Vaseline before rubbing. It is not mandatory to use polish to shine the leather of your bags or shoes, Vaseline will do very well. If you want to get rid of mascara, scrub a kale of Vaseline on your eyelashes before falling asleep at night, which will make them thicker and darker while growing them! And to prevent the cap of your nail polish bottle from sticking, you can spend some Vaseline on it using a cotton swab. Written by David

    Few ideas!

    Few ideas!

    Putting candles in the refrigerator makes them last twice as long. Did you know that sponges are bacteria nests? To clean them effectively, put them one minute in the microwave, this will eliminate all germs. When you are in the supermarket, think of lowering your eyes because it is in the lowest rays that you will find the cheapest products. In case of mosquito bite, you can quickly remedy the unpleasant itching by applying a hot spoon on the button, you will quickly forget the tingling sensation. Do you know that you become 15% more productive during your sports exercises if you listen to dynamic music? And it has been shown that if you listen to music louder than normal, you feel more relaxed and fulfilled than when you listen to it at a relatively low level. Also do not hesitate to please yourself from time to time at home, and to sing and dance to make you feel more alive. Written by David

    A Feng-Shui room

    A Feng-Shui room

    A little wisdom and Zen balance in your room, it can always be useful to sleep well or to maintain your loves. As a first step, make sure the head of your bed is snug against the wall or that your headboard has an upright to create a stable and secure place where your head will have a good protective support. Next, place support elements on the sides, preferably round to avoid the angles that are considered poisonous edges in Feng-Shui. In addition, avoid that your desk or television are near the bed, these sources of distraction should be masked by a veil or a screen because they are considered disruptive. For colors, opt for soothing pastel tones or blue, mauve, pink, green. As your room must be a kind of oasis, eliminate the electrical wires, scent it, diffuse a pleasant and dim lighting. In short, here are some ideas to start. Written by David

    Colors and moods

    Colors and moods

    Colors exert a subtle action on our emotions by stimulating or soothing them, making us happy or saddening us. It seems that their impact on our psyche comes from their proximity to the natural world, the blue evoking the sky, gold the sun, etc. And among occultists, the reason is esoteric: the seven colors of the spectrum are reminiscent of the number 7. The white, in the West as in the East, by the totality of the colors it encompasses, symbolizes life and its completion. Gold, symbol of the sun and royalty, was among the ancient Greeks, associated with the idea of ​​immortality, as the myth of the Golden Fleece tells. Green, in the Irish tradition, is the color of Tir Nan Og, the island of eternal youth. Purple is a mystical color that often serves as a medium for meditation, it unites the energy of red and the sanctity of blue. But it can also evoke sadness as recalled by the nymph Echo, who yearned for Narcissus. Written by David

    Passiflora: to sleep well!

    Passiflora: to sleep well!

    Instead of ingesting sleeping pills, there is a way to improve the quality of your sleep, more natural and less brutal: plants. They do not cause side effects or addiction. Passiflora allows to make whole nights without waking up. It was cultivated in the gardens of the last Aztec ruler, Moctezuma. The Spanish conquistadors brought it back to their lands to adopt it. The plant then easily grew in the southern regions. Its name, the flower of the Passion, comes from its composition which evokes the Passion of the Christ: one can see there a crown of thorns, a cross, a whip ... It improves the quality of the sleep and avoids rising at night, that's why it has a lot of followers. It allows to gradually restore a good quality sleep. It is taken as an infusion, counting a tablespoonful for a cup of boiling water and infusing 10 minutes. However, you should not drink more than two cups a day at the risk of having migraines. Written by David