How to know your guardian angel? Discover it thanks to your date of birth! Each angel has very specific virtues: its protection gives you support and develops personal qualities very useful to evolve harmoniously. One more string to your bow: the knowledge of your guardian angel!

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    Your guardian angel is called VEHUHIAH.

    Your guardian angel is called VEHUHIAH.

    If you were born between March 21st and March 25th, your guardian angel is called VEHUHIAH. The keyword of the entity is "energy" or "will". People born under his influence are generally very dynamic, with a desire to undertake and maintain their vital energy. VEHUHIAH breathes strength and vivacity of mind with this ability to transform everything in a spirit of conquest sometimes difficult. The natives are original and their obstinacy leads them to become leaders in their field, even pioneers for some. Science and the arts are ideal for natives, areas in which they will be successful. The angel keeps them away from any vain or tyrannical presence that would parasitize their projects. At another level, he also discards depressive illnesses, in any case, he promotes any possibility of healing and helps to reconnect with wisdom and love through a new beginning. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    Discovering your guardian angel!

    Discovering your guardian angel!

    If you were born between March 16th and 20th, your guardian angel is called Mumiah. The keyword of his energy is "renewal". People born under his protection are attracted to chemistry, medicine or surgery, areas in which they can excel. In any case, thanks to the influence of MUMIAH, they can succeed whatever they undertake in the different areas of their existence. If they seem a little shy, they can count on their angel so that he can help them overcome their fears so that they express themselves with ease in society. It should be noted that MUMIAH acts with force and abundance, hence the fact that he favors certain things of the fate of his natives beyond recognition, such as recognition or celebrity, which induces the fact that they will often be distinguished from others and highly noticed. What's more, their imaginative and altruistic qualities often make them interesting to others. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    All about YABAMIAH!

    All about YABAMIAH!

    If you were born between March 6th and 10th, your guardian angel is called YABAMIAH. The keyword of his energy is “unity”. People born under his protection are intuitive, sensitive and emotional; in general, they have a developed aesthetic sense, an obvious artistic fiber and, moreover, if they were to engage in painting, poetry or music, they could meet with success. YABAMIAH is a very good inspiration for creativity and goes even further because he teaches to be in balance, in the right and to express the divine genius. He is considered the most powerful angel and legend tells that he can resurrect the dead. If the natives maintain a privileged link with him, they can meditate by channeling a beautiful source of energy. On the other hand, they will be able to achieve great things through a higher and pure vibration. To engage in large companies, it is advisable to invoke him. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    We tell you everything about ROCHEL!

    We tell you everything about ROCHEL!

    If you were born between March 1st and 5th, your guardian angel is named ROCHEL. The keyword of his energy is "family". People born under his influence generally possess an almost innate spiritual knowledge in the field of law and order, which can direct them to legal professions as a lawyer or notary, or conflict manager in the social sector. The natives form the vow to live according to a divine order. Moreover, ROCHEL is active in the prayers he receives to help the natives discover their true selves and purify their karmic baggage. They will learn a lot from their family, and even if they live sometimes tense moments, they will have to wonder about what caused these situations even when the thing is painful to accept. They must learn to be caring with theirs. In addition, ROCHEL dominates over any question of succession or inheritance and he also helps to find lost or stolen objects. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    Know your guardian angel!

    Know your guardian angel!

    If you were born between February 25th and 29th, your guardian angel is called HABUHIAH. The keyword of his energy is "friendship". People born under his protection are receptive, curious, meticulous, sometimes obstinate and certainly endowed with great sensitivity. The energy from the heart builds sincere friendships and if they realize that their friend is so different from them, their bond can elevate them nevertheless to something very harmonious and reciprocal. One of the strengths of the natives is to be able to understand the children who appreciate their company in return. In addition, HABUHIAH gives the gift to his protected to be able to make grow any type of project, especially if they are concentrated in the sectors of the breeding or agriculture. The angel also helps to encourage births, fight against infertility and helps cure diseases. However, the lesson of life of the natives is to understand that nothing is imposed on them and that there is nothing to impose on others: to accept others in their difference is highly spiritual, ultimately. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    All about your guardian angel!

    All about your guardian angel!

    If you were born between February 20th and 24th, your guardian angel is called EIAEL. The keyword of his energy is “imagination”. Those born under his protection are a little lonely and interested in science and philosophy. But, absorbed by their thoughts, they sometimes lack confidence in responsibilities or maintain a pessimism used. EIAEL consoles in adversity and reveals the truth to researchers. This consoling angel helps them to rediscover the joy of life, the enthusiasm and certain innocence from childhood. EIAEL shows what is most beautiful in life and the best in oneself. These natives can then use their brilliant imagination to communicate positively with others. Beautiful companies can emerge from these privileged exchanges. They are creative natives who do not support a routine without surprise, even if they aspire to stability. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    Who is DAMABIAH?

    Who is DAMABIAH?

    If you were born between February 10th and 14th, your guardian angel is called DAMABIAH. The keyword of his energy is “departure”. Those born under his protection generally possess a generous and benevolent soul, and are otherwise disinterested. Their unbridled imagination, their openness, their idealism and their optimism form a cocktail that inspires non-negligible actions when it comes to overcoming difficulties in everyday life. On the other hand, DAMABIAH protects from any aggression or form of curse or even bad things from evil-intentioned people towards the natives. The angel also gives his protected faculties that allow them to live on the water like travelers or sailors, without this element becoming harmful in the event of a storm, for example. Water is something important among natives and it symbolizes extrasensory perception, mediumship... hence this high probability of feeling things in the realm of the invisible. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    Discovering your guardian angel!

    Discovering your guardian angel!

    If you were born between February 5th and 9th, your guardian angel is called MEHIEL. The keyword of his energy is "acceptance" or "fortification". The people born under its influence are great speakers and moreover they are generally present in areas such as radio, television programs, but also the sectors of literature, publishing or printing. The angel MEHIEL facilitates the inspiration among his protected as well as their creativity or their fantasy, and these can meet the celebrity. They have a strong character and if they sometimes encounter some difficulties, they will have to accept certain things, which mean more exactly understanding the means to implement, to realize their projects and not give up on themselves as one could hear it. . If natives cultivate open and positive thoughts, they will sow seeds of joy as resources to cultivate a healthy and luminous life. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    Better know your guardian angel!

    Better know your guardian angel!

    If you were born between January 31st and February 4th, your guardian angel is called ANAUEL. The keyword of his energy is “humility”. People born under the protection of this angel are often of a jovial and sympathetic nature, and sometimes endowed with a good physical constitution. ANAUEL invites them to use their own knowledge, not to impose a form of power but to advise others in a spirit of help and transparency. Moreover, ANAUEL watches over his protected so that they can identify their enemies and not be abused themselves. The angel is likely to bring smarts and abundance to the merchants provided that they are honest, and to protect them from the bankruptcy or the demon of the game. It is advisable to appeal to him in case of limit situation. If you need money, think of him or, indirectly, your ego in order to soften it and protect it from anger or pride. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David

    Know your guardian angel!

    Know your guardian angel!

    If you were born between January 16th and 20th, your guardian angel is called MITZRAEL. The keyword of his energy is "patience". The angel will inspire his protected serenity and phlegm at the heart of strained situations but also the mastery and success in exams as well as a form of support for academics in their labors and their research, not to mention the performance in the competitions, and even in championships or tests of physical or intellectual address, games mediatized or society requiring a good foundation in terms of knowledge. MITZRAEL also tends to clean up feverish and troubled souls. On the other hand, the guardian angel endows the natives with a memory that can touch the prodigy as well as an excellent longevity. It should be noted that the research or psychology sectors are valued by the protected who have this optimistic and joyous quality, which gives a "plus" in these trades. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David