By nature, you succeed in just about anything you do, but only if nothing hinders your progress. Because as soon as you encounter difficulties, even small ones, you turn back. If you want to reach your goals this year of the Ox, you will have to take your courage in both hands, rabbit! Now is not the time to ignore or run away from complications but to face them! So tap into your personal resources and face the challenges that arise. If some are more resistant than others, show the patience that characterizes you. By doing so, you will get that consideration that you yearn for in the secret of your heart.

Rabbit: your 2021 Chinese Horoscope
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    Rabbit: your Romantic life

    Although your loves are safe from these upheavals and disputes that make you flee, you will feel uncomfortable. In some circumstances, an unfounded feeling of inferiority can move you. You may think that others are more charming, more prosperous, or more interesting than you. This attitude, if you do not control it, will encourage you to withdraw or, in the worst case, to cause an unwanted situation, rabbit! Sharpen your claws and dare to confront others.

    Tips from Free for the Rabbit: Stop thinking that you are not up to your loved ones or meeting someone good and hang on to your talents and qualities. This will save you from your regrets.

    Group of friends for the Rabbit

    The sustainability of your friendships is guaranteed with the Ox. However, you may be impressed with the success or wealth of a particular person. Don't think they have nothing more to say to you. Do not imagine that, from now on, a world separates you and that you have nothing more in common. Go beyond these impressions, and you will be surprised to find that this friendship is intact.

    To know: Do not change anything and continue to receive and see those who have a more comfortable or easier life than yours.

    Rabbit: your Spiritual life

    You see spirituality as protection, and you are right. Alas, by dint of protecting yourself from everything, nothing happens to you. Try new spiritual techniques that help you overcome difficulties instead of protecting yourself from them. If, at first, you take a downpour of problems, persevere. Over time, you will harden, and you will not run away from complications.

    Our advice : See problems as challenges. In doing so, a situation that has been pending for months will progress quickly and in your favor.

    Well-being for the Rabbit

    By nature, you avoid excess. With the Ox, you confirm this fundamental rule. On the other hand, it encourages you to do nothing and to see sport as a heresy of the modern world. If you want to avoid being overweight, tap into your goodwill and try to do some exercise. Go for long walks. They will do you good, and they will help you think more healthily.

    Tip-Off : Although it can be difficult and laborious at times, make some efforts to maintain your fitness. And if necessary, be stubborn for a while.

    Rabbit: your Family life

    Not that you are not interested in this sector, but you often display a distant air. In this year of the Ox, your authority may be requested by your little darlings. Or, it is also possible that circumstances force you to take care of it a little more. Instead of looking for a trick to scroll through, do it. You will not regret it.

    To meditate : Take your courage in both hands and dare to get fully involved in your family life. You will see, everything will be fine!

    Let's read your free yearly chinese horoscopes 2022 for your sign is available Rabbit: your 2022 Chinese Horoscope