
2021 horoscope Taurus

Written by Susan

Love: On Probation?
The cosmic flows of 2020 have precipitated your evolution more forcefully than willingly. You have felt the need to renew yourself, change your life, settle elsewhere or otherwise, and realize your ambitions. In 2021, the energies grant you what you have been asking for but match this gift with responsibilities commensurate to the appearing expansions. You feel torn between your thirst to free yourself from the ties of the past and the need to assume your duties, to seriously approach the path that opens before you or is confirmed.

You aspire to live quality relationships between January 8th and February 1st, to make tender plans between February 25th and March 21st. Venus exalts your charm between April 14th and May 9th, between June 27th and July 22nd, you take care of your loved ones and improve your living environment. Between July 22nd and August 16th, you have no trouble seducing. You can count on the start of the new school year (until October 7th) to tighten the ranks. At the end of the year, Venus begins a long race in Capricorn, which will accentuate your desire to make the relationship evolve (between November 5th, 2021 and March 6th, 2022) with all the chances to succeed.

1st decan (April 21st - May 1st): Calm Your Impatience!
Since 2018, you want to free yourself from the guardianships of the past. Uranus in your sign and decan pushed you to claim your freedom or independence in managing your existence, and this may have caused havoc in your family, but it was not negotiable. In 2020, opportunities to expand your horizons arose, and you took advantage of them. But in 2021, still seeking autonomy, responsibilities, obligations, burdens, or duties limit your room for manoeuvre.

You are ready, but the sky is telling you to moderate your desire. Around January 17th, don't take ill-considered risks. Lock up your information so as not to sin by an excess of enthusiasm, carelessness, or impatience. Otherwise, the sky will call you to order on February 17th. Don't rush headlong into action, but contend with the rules, follow the movement, and don't get ahead of yourself, at the risk of jeopardizing your recent advances. However, count on Jupiter between May 13th and the end of July for opportunities to start your projects: a baby, settling down, or a move... You will express and realize your desires, even if you have to wait until 2022.

2nd decan (May 2nd - May 11th): Time is on Your Side!
Jupiter offers you a few opportunities to start the year with a project or an exciting proposal. Whether it's an opening that strengthens your social or emotional life, you feel that anything is possible and achievable until mid-March. As for Uranus, it invests in your decan from April 18th and makes you want to break with obligations. A royal road is taking shape towards the immediate realization of your wishes... But without counting on Saturn, which cools the atmosphere around June 14th and Christmas, it forces you to moderate your ardours and act with the downstream of time.

A little frustration to be expected in 2021, but if you deal with the brakes and delays, you will achieve what you launch in 2021. Count on Venus between January 16th and 24th to raise your level of love ambition and inspire you with projects between March 5th and 13th and magnify your aura between April 22nd and 30th. Venus closes ranks with your family between July 5th and 13th and gives you seduction between July 30th and August 7th. Count on the dialogue between September 19th and 28th to strengthen your bonds and at the end of the year, in collaboration with your loved ones, to boost the relationship.

3rd decan (May 12th - May 20th): Phew!

From February 22nd, Neptune confirms your desire to direct your future differently while Pluto pushes you to evolution and a broader understanding of things. This association puts you on the right track, that of your essential desires. After a demanding 2020, count on Jupiter's support to offer you a few opportunities to free yourself and seize luck. Whether it is to start your life again elsewhere or otherwise, get a better job, seal an emotional bond, or conceive a child, you advance under the benevolent influence of Jupiter between March 16th and May 13th and between July 28th and December 29th, 2021.

These moments favour your blossoming on all levels. Venus strengthens your ambitions between January 24th and February 1st. It supports your tender projects between March 13th and 21st and gives you an exceptional radiance between April 30th and May 9th. You are attentive to your loved ones' well-being between July 13th and 22nd and very eager between July 7th and July 17th. Bet on autumn to bewitch the other and end the year in beauty and certainly in love. Indeed, between November 30th and January 6th and then between February 21st and March 6th, 2022, Venus fulfills your wishes before the end of winter.

Advice from FREE Horoscope

In 2021, certain openings are made, and the field of possibilities widens. But you must assume your responsibilities and give of yourself so that your hopes are transformed into reality. Don't force destiny. Follow the movement because it ends up depositing you in the right place: the one that allows you to realize your dreams and find a smile again.

Taurus, your Social life

Social Life: A dilemma?
In 2020, your situation has changed, opportunities to assert your ambitions arise, and renouncing certain past behaviours. In 2021, the economic situation is pushing you forward. You have the opportunity to commit or sign a contract. Some may find that these new responsibilities weigh heavily and will want to break with previous conditioning that curbs their current thirst for autonomy. You have to find a balance, amigo Taurus, between the possibility of getting a job, a promotion, or honours, and the need to free yourself from the codes of the past. No small task in 2021.

Advice from FREE Horoscope
Between opportunities to move up the ladder, securing your bases and the desire to break with your reputation as a good student, you'll be split. Don't overlook any offer that could take you to the top, even if it's only right. This obligatory passage allows you to prepare the ground for something that will emerge and become clearer in 2022.


1st decan (April 21st - May 1st): No Need to Panic!
A hectic start to the year stresses you out and leaves its mark. To be at your best by the end of February, opt for a reasoned, cautious, and patient approach to events. Between mid-May and the end of July, Jupiter offers you an escape and an opportunity to take a breather. You can finish the rest of the year in good shape, even on top of the world.

Advice from FREE Horoscope
Don't get overwhelmed by your emotions or a desire to go too fast at the beginning of the year. Keep enough fuel to act without running out of breath.

2nd decan (May 2nd - May 11th): Balance the Deck!
In 2021, you compose between what your heart wants and the voice of reason. Don't dramatize events: navigate between responsibility and fantasy. Don't give up your creative dimension and accept leading two activities simultaneously and deploying your energy on two parallel fields. You will manage to end the year in balance rather than bitter or frustrated. It's up to you...

Advice from FREE Horoscope
If you feel that the pressure is becoming unbearable, it's up to you to calm down by working on two scores simultaneously. That way, you won't feel like you're neglecting your basic needs.

3rd decan (May 11th - May 21st) : Caution !
After an energy-intensive 2020, you can go through 2021, supported by the elements. This is your opportunity to follow the path of your heart and intuition to determine your future direction. No disruptive flow will thwart your initiatives and desires. Stay cautious at the beginning of the year: it would be better not to play with fire. Between October 15th and 30th, you must channel your life forces not to risk incidents along the way.

Advice from FREE Horoscope
A peaceful year is on the horizon and allows you to be reborn and breathe. Take the opportunity to come back to the forefront and stay there. You deserve it.

In 2022

If in 2021, Jupiter offers you the opportunity to take center stage, then in 2022, new projects blossom, beautiful perspectives open up, and you return to a humanist ideal that inspires you. No longer a question of dealing with your duties and matters of the heart, but rather of investing in a life project that you enjoy. Look forward to next year!

Well-being for the Taurus

1st decan
Make it happen so that events turn in your favour. Build a solid argument before confronting your boss and use your enthusiasm rather than your muscles or vocal outbursts to make an impression. You're not immune to an uncontrolled slip-up, and you could hit a wall. Don't ask for too much, and don't try to stand out if you don't want to get hit back.

2nd decan
You inspire others by presenting them with your projects that appeal to your contacts on the 1st, 8th, and 23rd. Take advantage of these moments of grace to rally the votes and face a situation that you will not necessarily take for granted.

3rd decan
Your ambitions are at the center of your preoccupations in January, and you deploy your charm to assert them. The New Moon invites you to do so on the 13th, while Mercury announces delays in negotiations at the very end of the month.

1st decan
At the beginning of the month, qualify your words to avoid possible reminders to order, which will sanction you if you think that you should be left free to act as you wish. You will be brought back to your senses, or you will be stopped dead in your tracks around the 17th.

2nd decan
Mars makes you want to knock down mountains but pushes you to excess on the 1st, 10th, and 19th. Whatever your method, it will come on too strong, bossy or teasing. Know how to convince by expressing talent, enthusiasm and interest in following you.

3rd decan
You will be eloquent on the 8th when you plead your case in society or at work. The New Moon on the 11th puts you in the spotlight, but it is not by using charm that you will force your way through. Instead, get involved and put your energy at the service of the community or the company.

1st decan
Exciting projects: you use your originality to pave the way for something else, elsewhere, or otherwise. You find the words to make others want to believe you and follow you. At the end of the month, take the time to look back on the past to learn from it and take stock of your emotional and romantic life (the 26th).

2nd decan
Enthusiastic, you attract attention and put yourself forward. At the end of the month, you redouble your efforts to obtain the authorities' approval and the means to finance your projects. But on the 24th, don't use your wits to ask for too much. On the other hand, a little hindsight will help you act wisely so that you hit the nail on the head.

3rd decan
Guided by your intuition on a path you like, you have no trouble rallying support for your attractive projects. The New Moon invites you to promote an ideal vision of the world and a future version of your life. The evolution accomplished since 2018 allows you to make your mark and end the month carried by a dream you want to share.

1st decan
Count on Venus to make you very attractive between the 14th and the 22nd. Take advantage of this opportunity to attract attention and seduce. At the end of the month, the Full Moon underlines your relationships with others. Now is the ideal moment to cultivate your bonds, weave new ones, and nourish your exchanges as wisely as possible.

2nd decan
You direct your initiatives by connecting to your emotions, which are good consultants. You think a lot and don't rush anything. A sensitive and thoughtful approach helps you progress and stabilize your situation, but the end of the month is more athletic. Uranus invests in your decan on the 18th and makes you want to say whatever comes to mind. However, you risk hurting people's feelings. You end the month ready to make your difference and express your thirst to step out of line.

3rd decan
You want to promote your ambitions on the 2nd but don't engage in smoky plans or speeches. You trigger enthusiasm by supporting others' emotions but don't abuse this practice because your superiors are suspicious of unreadable strategies. You will have plenty of time in April to place your pawns in the right place if you act without manipulating anyone. At the end of the month, you defend your dreams and ideals.

1st decan
On May 13th, Jupiter invests in the area of your theme dedicated to your projects. The opportunity to make inspiring plans to solicit the support of your loved ones to realize your business. What is done by the end of July will take a definitive turn in 2022. But don't overestimate your means. You tend to think you are richer than you are.

2nd decan
You want to shine, and you don't appreciate being put back in the 3rd row: your thirst for recognition hits a wall. On the other hand, you have the aplomb on the 12th to convince your interlocutors that your thirst for independence is legitimate and that your unusual ideas hold up. Aim for balanced expression of your talents on the 20th to make an impression.

3rd decan
Charming and likeable, you rally the votes around your projects. But beware of a tendency to go over your budget, which could generate misunderstandings and confusion around the 23rd and 27th. Don't try to fool anyone. Starting on the 29th, ongoing negotiations will be subject to deadlines. Be patient, and continue to defend your ideals with determination and ardour.

1st decan
You present your projects, and you rally the votes around your plans that are unanimously approved. You are not immune to moments of grace in love. At the end of the month, your communication makes a lasting impression on people's minds, even on their hearts, and makes your family, friends and others want to support your plans enthusiastically.

2nd decan
Exploit your potential to secure your bases and gain the confidence of your hierarchy. The New Moon invites you to showcase your talents and claim the right reward. Your fantasy draws attention on the 13th. On the other hand, you have to deal with austerity that depresses you a bit around the 14th: the economic situation slows down your thirst for freedom.

3rd decan
Slippery ground and nebulous exchanges towards the 5th: debates that take a controversial turn. Beware of excessive demands on the 13th and attempts at manipulation on the 23rd. Prefer to enthuse the crowds by communicating about your projects, don't try to force anyone's hand by raising your voice.

1st decan
At the beginning of the month, you are looking to improve your living conditions, and you are attentive to your family's well-being. You do not lack arguments to transmit your enthusiasm and desire to open the future to relatives who do not hesitate to support you and are receptive to your projects. Between July 22nd and 30th, Venus exalts your charm and makes you want to seduce and please yourself. Please don't overdo it (July 22nd).

2nd decan
Beware of the arguments that arise in the family (the 1st) if you impose your codes on everyone. You risk being overwhelmed by critics and setting fire to the powder (on the 5th). Your initiatives are not unanimous, so open a creative dialogue and explain rather than impose your point of view.

3rd decan
You are always evolving in a somewhat troubled atmosphere (the 6th). You might not be understood and sow doubt in the minds of your superiors. If you elevate the debates (the 15th and 24th), you will avoid deadlocks and possible confrontations on the 29th.

1st decan
Until the 14th, your sensuality awakens your warrior, conquering instinct and
sharpens your desire to seduce. Take the opportunity to rekindle the flame with your lover. But take into account their desires as much as yours. If you have a crush, show yourself ardent and passionate, but let them take a step towards you before proposing anything. At the end of the month, eager to serve the community, you score points with your hierarchy.

2nd decan
The current has difficulty passing within the family, and your responsibilities weigh on you at work. It alters your mood and spoils the atmosphere at home. Venus invites you to surprise your partner, but there are some things you disagree on. Luckily, you charm and convince those you love on the 20th and 22nd, and no one finds fault with your forceful arguments.

3rd decan
You have charm, but you don't see reality in front of you (the 10th). Rely on your ability to evolve rather than on excitement to reassure your loved ones. If you overestimate your powers, you will be disappointed, but if it is the proper assessment of your skills that guides you, you have every chance to convince.

1st decan
An academic start to the fall where you'll have it at heart to work well. You get closer to your colleagues, you rely on a serious dialogue and your ability to convey your messages smoothly but don't abuse your charm. You may find the method questionable. On the other hand, we appreciate your willingness to serve the company's cause and your workforce.

2nd decan
The New Moon puts your love at the center of your preoccupations (the 7th). You have a thirst for exciting encounters or to spice up your life as a couple. You double your attention towards your partner but avoid doing too much to surprise them. Otherwise, you risk destabilizing your lover.

3rd decan
Eager for strong emotions, channel your energies to serve your ambitions. The Full Moon on the 20th connects you to projects that matter to you. Stay on the lookout for opportunities to strengthen your career plan. Avoid showing your greed on the 22nd. From the 27th, you'll feel as though the debate gets bogged down. Focus on an ideal to serve, and don't try to please at all costs.

1st decan
Venus exalts your sensuality between the 7th and 16th and fuels your desires. This delightful planet is the ally of your cautious advances in the professional field on the 13th, where you ask without abusing. But lower your tone at the end of the month. Don't block the exchanges and alienate your interlocutors.

2nd decan
The new moon in Libra (on the 6th) invites you to roll up your sleeves and team up. If you're direct, avoid abruptness that doesn't please your colleagues. Use your charm and strategy to get your way. Starting on the 18th, exchanges are more fluid and productive.

3rd decan
By listening to others and your charm, you mark minds and make sparks at work on the 4th. Nothing hinders your progress, and you unhook the Holy Grail around the 15th if you increase your power without hurting any feelings. From the 18th, Jupiter opens the way to the summits.

1st decan
Fluid exchanges on the 6th, but more muscular on the 10th, you are disappointed. Don't lower your arms and keep a low profile. At the end of the month, you will convince in high places and remove blockages.

2nd decan
The New Moon on the 4th invites you to dialogue, team up, and cooperate. This is the time to plead for more freedom and autonomy by taking a step towards each other. Keep the debates open, expose your arguments but do not force anyone's hand. Favour openness, which will serve your words much better than any pressure which would aggravate your exchanges.

3rd decan
Express your enthusiasm and skills by not putting pressure on anyone. You take others into your dreams but spare your hierarchy so that you can be trusted without fearing that you will devour everyone.

1st decan
From the 29th, Jupiter invests in your projects. This giant planet had already completed a lap on this field between May 13th and July 28th, giving you a taste of what will happen between now and mid-February.

2nd decan
The New Moon on the 4th speaks of the interests you share with others. Take advantage of this opportunity to clarify your accounts, decide what steps to take to bail them out, liquidate your debts or get an annuity. At the end of the month, beware of the return of Saturn and Uranus in conflict in your decan. Muzzle your desire to emancipate yourself for the moment to avoid suffering the consequences.

3rd decan
You are persuasive on the 6th. But do not generate misunderstandings or sow doubt in the minds of your partners on the 7th and 12th. Your projects seem disconnected from reality. Use strategy to influence the other person to your advantage and use your ambitions to continue on your way without getting discouraged.

Taurus: Your advice for 2021

World Astrology:

Pluto transforms the fundamental structures on which our old world rests (and fell asleep), he undermines our foundations so that we reinvent ourselves without further ado, and his methods are radical! This obscure planet melts into the background in 2021, but it remains active and generates great fundamental movements. However, its viral load tends to decrease. Even if fear or psychosis induced by the pandemic will resist longer than the threat itself, we hope so. Let's watch out for politicians' temptation to maintain rules and systems that no longer hold up, or even to back-pedal to ensure an order collapses. In 2021, the revolt rumbles and some protest movements are tempted to step into the breach without taking their gloves off. It would be more prudent for world leaders to listen and not try to control everyone and channel the movement.

Towards what? More empathy for people's grievances, the ability to listen and hear the aspirations of humanity that is awakening to a different vision of the world. Nothing and no one will stop this movement in the long-term. It is now everyone's interest to save our planet, ourselves, and exalt the noblest aspects of our human dimension. This mission is impossible if everyone does not do their part if those in power do not consider the demands and defend their seat only out of interest.

In 2021 we can expect to see thrones shaken, powers wavering, attempts at repression flourishing, and rebels violently defying authority. Let's hope that consensus can be found to avoid the worst and that acceptable reason prevails over the most robust law. Above all, let us hope that the individual will reconnect, in the face of events that take us out of our comfort zone, to what is best in us rather than what frightens us externally. Whether repressive measures, attempts at intimidation, or even martial law, nothing can stop people from marching towards the best. Let us say this to ourselves in 2021 before perhaps noticing it in 2022?

The climate - the environment:

In 2021, Uranus could set fire to the powder in January (around the 17th), February (also around the 17th), June (around the 14th), and at Christmas time. Suppose this free spirit of the zodiac collides with Jupiter (in January) or Saturn (in February, June, and December). In that case, it could trigger destructive earthquakes or ground motions (earthquakes, a volcanic eruption, tsunamis) that could shake the Earth's crust. Also, beware of threats coming from the sky: airplane or satellite crashes that now clutter our stratosphere. In 2021, we must move forward without abandoning caution.

It is up to us to find ingenious solutions to continue to invent and innovate without destroying our environment, but rather to restore it. In 2021, defenders of the models of the past and visionaries of the future will undoubtedly compete in this field. Not everything will be done in one day, and wanting everything right away could only exacerbate sensitivities on all sides. We must proceed in order and measure in the face of an indispensable and inevitable ecological revolution if we still wish to navigate on Mother Earth without her having the furious urge to throw us overboard. As for the virus that is sowing panic among the population, common sense and respect for precautionary measures should be enough to eradicate it or prevent its spread. On the other hand, let us avoid letting ourselves be overwhelmed by a much more insidious psychosis because this is indeed the greatest danger facing humanity: being divided by others' fear!

The Planets:

Pluto shakes our most anchored structures since 2018, a little game that's not always funny where we have the curious feeling that nothing resists the work of dissolution that this lord of metamorphoses carries out. No plan (political, economic, financial) is spared by this agent of chaos who destroys to then rebuild on more authentic and spiritual values! Evolving since 2008 in Capricorn's sign, Pluto obliges us to grow in an austere climate where fantasy and lightness are hardly appropriate. In 2021, there will be no truce for this planet, which is working to put an end to systems, beliefs, and functioning that are outdated, paralyzing, even deadly.

Neptune, present in Pisces since April 2011, invites us again in 2021 to raise the debates, our point of view on the world, and our view of our Earth and its tenants' future. Evolving at home in this inspired sign, the deep sea planet makes our consciences aware of the urgency to go beyond the needs of the ego to pay attention to those of the collective. It invites us to take care of our human brothers and reconnects us with the most sacred part of our being: the soul that furious materialism has too often relegated to the closet. We can thus observe the emergence of currents of thought more concerned with the well-being of each individual. Whether it is on the ideological level, health, or ecology, nothing will stop this wave, which, slowly but surely, dissolves the beliefs that restrict our ability to surpass ourselves to allow us to invent a better world finally!

Uranus, present in Taurus since May 2018, is unleashed in 2021. This free spirit of the zodiac, uncomfortable in the fixed sign of Taurus attached to its securities, forces us to get out of our comfort zones to confront other possibilities. Therefore, let us expect to be shaken around January 17th, February 17th, June 14th, and December 24th. Uranus will successively confront Jupiter and Saturn to sow the seeds of rebellion, an accentuation of social antagonisms and the explosion of models from the past. 2021 still promises to be tumultuous. We will have to channel our anger to prevent the turmoil from degenerating into open warfare and use our living forces in an efficient and genuinely creative manner! A few crowd movements and a power struggle between the old and the new are to be expected. To be hoped? A consensus between wisdom, patience, and a thirst to change society's model, without forgetting that it takes time and rigour to rebuild! It's up to us...

Saturn made a brief incursion into Aquarius between March 22nd and July 2nd, 2020 (a period related to the confinement) and settled on December 17th, 2020, in this visionary sign, enamoured by freedom. He will only leave in March 2023. If this "great teacher" of the zodiac evolves rather at ease in Aquarius, he does not authorize flippancy, hence this injunction to withdraw into ourselves and an obligation to probe our soul by depriving us of the freedom to do anything. Let's bet that the lesson has borne fruit and that many have explored other paths and imagined other possibilities for the future. In 2021, Saturn channels the Uranian surge several times during the year (in February, June, and December) to put lead in our heads, so we do not forget! He upsets the established order and makes us assume our responsibilities as humans and citizens! We will have to accept the Saturnian yoke for a while longer to build on solid ground, and that change does not turn into a powder keg or a wave of rage. A priori, 2022, should reward our goodwill and our efforts to change without destroying!

Jupiter will evolve in Aquarius's sign from December 19th, 2020, but will make a loop in Pisces between May 13th and July 28th to reinvest in Aquarius between July 28th and December 29th, 2021. From January 2021 (around the 17th), this giant of the zodiac will amplify the values and energies it encounters. It is not worth fantasizing about the possibility of calming things down. On the contrary: Jupiter stimulates Uranus and opens the ball of announced rejoicing. On the one hand, a creative impulse that calls for change aspires to improve and renew our values and society's foundations. On the other hand, an unfortunate tendency to want everything right away could expose us to excess and provoke repressive reactions from our rulers. Jupiter temporarily migrating into Pisces could trigger empathic movements as well as accentuate the disorder. Let's hope that we can control our outbursts so that we can use them to change the world for the better rather than plunging into confusion, disorder, and transforming our legitimate revolts into sterile blunders...

The 2021 for all zodiac signs:

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