
2023 horoscope Virgo

Written by Susan

You start the year with Venus in Pisces. Associated with Neptune, the goddess of love insists on pleasing you and capturing you in her nets. It challenges your independence. Things calm down with Venus in Taurus that helps you to dodge what is not right for you, while preserving what suits you. In May, your loves evolve in serenity while making plans. With Venus in Virgo, you may be putting things in question. If this is the case, it is at the end of the year with Venus in Scorpio, that you arrive at your answer.

Virgo, your Social life

The trine Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter gives you magnificent resources to advance and especially to evolve. With Saturn in the vicinity, these influxes push you out of your comfort zone. This year, events will push you to surpass yourself and get to know yourself. At the end of May, Jupiter opens a way that can be confusing at first. With hindsight, you will find that it is obvious. In summer, Mars in your sign encourages you to return to your comfort zone. If so, in autumn Mars in Scorpio will put you back on track.

Well-being for the Virgo

The dissonance of Mars at the beginning of the year puts the right resolutions for forgetfulness. Motivation is missing. You do not want to do much to keep you fit. Between June and October, Venus takes you through an empty passage. In your line of sight: your confidence in yourself. Instead of repeating the same evils, opt for personal development techniques.

Virgo: Your advice for 2023

Does Saturn impose constraints on you? Take lessons. Jupiter opens a different way for you? Open your mind, be curious and go for things!

The 2023 for all zodiac signs:

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