Go to:

    Do your thoughts and actions seem out of step? It is true that contrary to your habits you have a lot of trouble organizing yourself. That would make you almost lose the pedals. Pull yourself together and do not make a story. Your speed of reflection is intact and you place a lot of importance on planning your daily life. Yet a larger project is also targeted: everything related to obtaining a bank loan, or a building permit, the expansion of a family or a house, or the education of a child, is on the hot seat. This month prepares the advances in these spheres of life. The benevolent eyes of the planets accompany, step by step, positive spin-offs. The other areas respect a certain status quo, but you already have something to do!

    Love in General:

    The stars stand together to bring you calm and stability. You do not want things to go too fast and you could put the brakes on all sides to avoid making drastic decisions. It's your right and your choice. This month of April seems conducive to your personal development. However, there are still some areas of shade that you want to highlight before you throw in the big bath.

    In a relationship:

    The planet Mercury in Taurus, from the middle of the month, offers you to see further and to set up joint projects. You integrate the desire of the other. This "matches" on all levels and you get out of your entrenchments. You fully express your love creativity.


    A dynamic carrier makes you want to believe in your lucky star. Indeed, the planets watch quietly but effectively. If Jupiter in Pisces avoids missteps and excess of optimism, it gives you hope. On the 13 and 14, you prefer to keep, wait; this is a wise decision.

    Career / Finance:

    Although your work is secure, it may seem routine and boring to you. To overcome these disadvantages, Jupiter, luck, offers you the opportunity to break this routine or to enhance your daily life. Virgo! If a well-meaning person makes you a partnership proposal, do not reject it outright. Take the time to think about it and discuss it with someone. In doing so, it will help you to see things differently and you will accept, or refuse, without remorse or regret. On the finance side, although it is not opulent, the situation remains the same unless you cannot leave your credit card in a drawer.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    You swing between hesitation and momentum. Give yourself unreservedly and communicate more. By better sharing everything you feel, you move faster. Harmony should not be achieved by sacrificing your desires, seek consensus but find balance. On the 8th you are right.

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