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    Meetings are likely to change your daily life and this is related to your life goals. What makes us say this is Mercury entering your daily life alongside Neptune at first. Everything related to the mind is heightened, but it's the trine to Jupiter and then to Mars that should especially delight you. Starting on April 14, you can expect important encounters at work. If it's not about meetings, perhaps a joyful letter will arrive in your mailbox. In its path, Mercury will also meet Saturn to ensure that this good news settles in over time. You've understood it, this month of April speaks about work for you natives of the Scorpio sign. In the house of your career, we find precisely Jupiter and Mars. These two very dynamic planets will successively go direct for a very appreciable leap forward: Mars first on April 3, and Jupiter on April 13. Ultimately, there are few shadows on the overall picture this month, and concerning you, it's at home that a backdrop emerges with Pluto. Pluto, from its rear base, will send a square to the sun and then to Mercury when they meddle in your couple's affairs and with associates. An embarrassing situation that requires special attention to everything related to the person who shares your life. Nonetheless, regarding your major goals, they are under the protection of Jupiter especially when it goes direct on April 13. You just need to know how to make the most of the first 2 weeks, exactly from April 4 to 20, and then not be too tempted by adventures that would ruin everything afterwards.

    Love in General

    The first four days should be considered with great caution. Driven by your libido, you may be tempted to satisfy your curiosity. This is where you could mess everything up, until Venus is in square to Uranus. It blows over quickly, but be careful not to have a falling out with your loved one starting from April 20th!

    In a relationship

    For the first four days, you're likely to disagree about each other's libido levels. You need to control yourself, because Venus promises you'll discover something else. By listening to the Venus Neptune conjunction, you'll avoid any potential mishaps.


    At the beginning of the month, you may lose patience, but you really need to hold on for just four days. Soon, you will benefit from the Venusian energies combined with Neptune to expand your awareness in love and have a smooth end to the month of April.

    Career / Finance

    The house of the quarry is energized by the fire of Mars and Jupiter who, in their direct course, will give you a boost. By mid-April, Mercury in trine with Mars and Jupiter is an excellent configuration to reach your goals. From the 20th, be wary of every encounter.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope

    The first half of the month offers many professional opportunities that need to be seized. After that, starting on April 20th, be cautious about romantic and professional encounters. Be discreet and wary.

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