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    Bold projects and original ideas, the stars grant your wishes. Your energy is creative, your ideas are excellent. A bit shy, at times you have trouble going to others. This month, you put your shyness in the closet, you finally decide to assert yourself, it's great news, you make good resolutions. The planets give you the guts to seduce, your love life is transformed, you are delighted. Curious by nature, you go straight to where your feelings lead you, your close entourage is amazed by your change of attitude but especially by your determination. You have every chance to succeed where you have already failed. With your intuitions miracles happen.

    Love in General:

    Bet on audacity, you will see that it works rather well. This summer period is idyllic to concretize all your projects. Relationships become official, you create stable and solid bases, there is no one more lucky than you. Watch out for those who are jealous around you. Stay on your guard, unfortunately everyone is not as happy as you.

    In a relationship:

    To avoid all tensions you go in the direction of your partner by giving them reason, except that this month you are safe from conflicts in love. If projects are delayed be patient, there is nothing to panic about. You take advantage of a situation and it suits you well.


    A promising end of the summer for those who are single. You go out, we invite you, you do not have time to get bored. You enjoy a great influence to make new acquaintances. Around August 13th, one meeting will stand out from the others. You could formalize it very soon!

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    To enjoy the benefits of our dear planets, when love finds you do not think too long. Leave your uncertainties aside, think only one thing: move forward to ensure a sweet future in love that is delicious.

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