Go to:

    The dissonances that emanate from Pisces and Virgo hamper the realization of your ambitions. They prevent you from living as you see fit while chaining you to patterns of the past. Provoking conflict with each annoyance will not release you from these obligations. On the contrary, it will amplify them. Forgetting to change things is not the answer either. It is by becoming aware of your talents and your potential that they will change. Also, meeting people different from your relationship habits will give you that little boost you need. Make the most of your talents. Enrich your thoughts and knowledge. Why? Because solving your problems lies in your ability to experiment with different solutions.

    Love in General:

    You evolve in a rigid, constricting, and suspicious environment. So, you're on edge, because your nature can not stand being trapped at the seams. Venus offers you to change things. How? Finding, or once again finding, a goal. That done, your legendary optimism will do the rest.

    In a relationship:

    Venus helps you find the spring in your step! It encourages you to bounce back despite the hazards that punctuate your relationship. As a bonus, it boosts your natural luck. Be diplomatic with your other half and everything will be fine.


    Venus continues to take her role very seriously by making you meet people who have the potential to improve your life. This month, she creates breaks so that you can take stock of your feelings.

    Career / Finance:

    The enthusiasm of the previous months has disappeared. So, your work and your daily life seem restrictive. On the worst days, you are bored stiff! The decisions that are made seem dull to you. Your professional entourage is too demanding. Sagittarius, before you take a sharp turn, think about it! Don't get carried away for the wrong reasons, as these little hassles are just transient. So, while waiting for better, change your ideas after work. On the financial side, balance is assured, but on condition that you do your accounts with great discernment. So avoid a haphazard approach and be precise.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    Looking for security does not succeed at all! Make every effort to realize your dreams. This will lead you to a much-desired well-being.

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