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    With the dissonances emanating from Leo, some people annoy you tremendously. You think they are doing too much and that all that glitters is not gold. As a result, you retreat behind the barricades of your convictions! Fortunately, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in Virgo bring back a smile to your face. They connect you with people who prioritize culture and the arts. This mindset suits you perfectly. However, if you agree, you could benefit from this relationship that you find too ostentatious. So, if you want to give your business a little boost, look on the bright side. And if it reassures you, it won't change your life, but it will greatly improve it.

    Love in General

    Starting on the 6th, Venus in Virgo brings order to your love life. It links you to people with whom you have intellectual affinities. However, it does not protect you from what annoys you. So, if you find yourself in agitated situations, stay calm.

    In a relationship

    Although Venus is aligning things in your favor, anticipate that your other half still has expensive wishes. Therefore, to prevent conflicts from ruining this August, don't see their desires as mere whims.


    Venus introduces you to a cultured person. However, she can't avoid the seduction rituals, which are alluring and inevitable. So, stay calm and pull out all the stops, at least once!

    Career / Finance

    The professional sphere seems a bit complicated. Until the 22nd, the Sun in Leo in square with your sign might expose you to disagreements with your colleagues or superiors; ego often remains the main enemy in these situations, so stay flexible and you will defuse many conflicts! Especially because Mercury retrograde from the 5th and returning to Leo on the 15th does not make your social skills easier, but Venus from the 5th to the 29th, on the other hand, gives you a diplomatic charm, phew! Rely on your basics, stay calm and keep a long-term perspective. Your assets have nothing to fear, Mars and Jupiter are watching over them!

    Advice from FREE Horoscope

    People who show off their success annoy you. However, they could be useful to you. Look at them in a positive light and rest assured, it won't make you an opportunist.

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