You begin this year with the blessing of Jupiter who has just settled into your sign. Connected by a positive aspect to Mars in Gemini and the planets in Aquarius, this lucky star will fill you with its benefits. The beginning of this year is a good time to start a project or to expand what is going on. If you need help, it's time to rally your loved ones around your ideas or initiatives. On the other hand, calm your impetuosity, because the dissonances that emanate from the planets in Capricorn require you to master time. When it comes to matters of the heart it's the same fight! Novelty slips into your existence. If you want everything to be as good as possible, avoid making promises that you will not be able to keep!
Love in General:
From January 4th to the 27th, the trine of Mars - Venus animates your love life. You are charming and seductive. Your charisma attracts attention and even more if there are affinities. Your sense of purpose helps you establish and maintain a pleasant, airy atmosphere.In a relationship:
Venus pushes you to break the routine. Your spouse will certainly appreciate it, but do not push things too far! If you want harmony to continue, respect your partners' tastes as well as their desires and all will be for the best.Single:
This year is starting well for you! You have every chance of meeting that special someone through your social circle. If you want the romance to last, do not rush anything.Career / Finance:
It is with time and persistence that you will get what you want. So stop leaving by slamming the door or putting pressure to get your sublime ideas accepted. Keep in mind that not everyone is like you. Your boss, your colleagues, or your customers need time to learn new techniques. So be kind and give them that time. On the financial side, nothing prevents you from buying yourself a fascinating, new gadget, but on condition that you do not buy more than one.Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Instead of letting go of the matter when the first obstacle, or the least annoyance arises, listen to the advice of someone who has experience and affection for you.Discover Your 2023 January Horoscope by Selecting Your Sign
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