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    You evolve in a pleasant climate. Mars is in your sign and he resumes his direct race on the 13th. Connected by a favorable aspect to Jupiter, he favors the fulfillment of your wishes. As for the energies that emanate from Aquarius, they bring their contribution by distilling just the right amount of change, so that everything is almost perfect. The only shadow on the board is Neptune in Pisces and Venus who joins him at the end of the month. These energies are keen to give you illusions, but it would be desirable for you to be connected to reality so that your ideas of genius materialize. For matters of the heart, Venus in Aquarius frees you from feelings that prevent you from being yourself. Suddenly, your loves feel better.

    Love in General:

    Between the 4th and the 27th, Venus in Aquarius frees you from emotional constraints that undermine your morale. It saves you from doing what you do not know and teaches you how to be romantic. In this climate devoid of passion, you will certainly do wonders.

    In a relationship:

    You are available and generous. You are happy to grant your other half's wishes. On the other hand, if at the end of the month, your partner asks you how you are feeling, avoid to answer with a contradiction.


    All the lights are green so that something good begins under the best auspices. On the other hand, if you want it to last, at the end of the month, make a little effort. Talk about love and be more romantic.

    Career / Finance:

    Your relationships and your acquaintances are making proposals to you this month that match your skills and experience. As a bonus, they will allow you to surpass and exceed yourself. In this climate favorable to your development, there is no reason why you should miss these chances, unless you are thinking elsewhere. So if you want things to change, be careful what you are told. On the financial side, the way is clear. You can sleep soundly. At the end of the month, continue to manage your budget carefully, and everything will be fine.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    The last restraint leaves on the 13th. The horizon is clear. You can realize your projects. On the other hand, remove your rose-colored glasses. This will prevent you from making strategy errors.

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