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    You start the year feeling trapped. Dissonant energies put your career and your success under pressure, which can seriously annoy you. Beware of your reactions around January 21st, because the new moon adds a layer! Try to adapt as much as you can to the circumstances. Avoid getting annoyed by what you have not planned. In this month of January, it is one or the other. Either you fly off the handle and you get bogged down in conflict or you keep your calm and you will return the situation to your advantage. Regarding your loves, if you let your professional concerns take control, your mood will cost you and you will regret it.

    Love in General:

    Between the 4th and the 27th, try not to bring your professional hassles back home. In the meantime, use the patient energies of Mercury in Capricorn. On the 28th, with Venus as a friend, you will be able to catch up if, unfortunately, your loves suffered collateral damage.

    In a relationship:

    Until the 4th, everything is fine, but later it's more complicated. If you let your professional concerns slip into your loves, they will cause ill-feelings. However, from the 28th, be reassured, Venus in Pisces helps you arrange things easily.


    Mercury helps you meet new people. It gives you time to learn more. From the 28th, you enter a very favorable period so that a new meeting is projected in a concrete way.

    Career / Finance:

    This month is not great. You have the feeling that your activity is deteriorating and that everything is going downhill. When your mood is dark, you think that some people spoil everything with their revolutionary ideas. Taurus, take off your dark glasses! By doing so, you will find that these concepts that horrify you have some advantages and that they can serve your interests by saving you time. On the financial side, this sector is subject to unforeseen fluctuations. If you have to dip into your savings, don't make a big deal out of it, as it will only be temporary.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    Instead of shouting against events, try to see beyond appearances. That done, you will see all the benefits that some disadvantages can bring you.

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