Go to:

    It is under astral dissonances that you go on chugging along. This month, you must overcome the obstacles that are embodied by Uranus and by Jupiter in Taurus. That done, you must deal with the rejections that are triggered by the energies that emanate from Leo. To help you succeed in these small wonders, you will have to find resources in energies that are unfamiliar to you. Contrary to appearances, they have the power to help you. If you want to achieve your goals, do things one after another. Take the time to clarify your ideas before you start. Do not hesitate to reassure your entourage or your interlocutors. It may not matter to you, but it will improve the quality of your relationships.

    Love in General:

    The departure of Mars from Leo soothes most tensions. Alas, with Mercury, Venus, and the Sun, your loves evolve with breaks and reconciliations. If you wish, you can escape this fatality. How? By not destroying what seems paralyzing.

    In a relationship:

    The situation is calm, but you must win the peace! To succeed at this little miracle, give more importance to the emotional. Whenever possible, be gentle and from time to time pamper your partner.


    You meet someone based on your ideas and exchanges. To go further, avoid sinking into endless verbal games. Instead, create a bond using your sensitivity and intuition.

    Career / Finance:

    You are faced with situations that require a certain pragmatism and a good dose of simplicity. Aquarius, if you want to finish with a series of annoyances and problems, lower the wind in your sails! At the time, this prospect can annoy you enormously, but it will fix your business. As a bonus, it will save you time instead of wasting it. So, focus on what's essential and when it comes to rest, it will develop naturally at its own pace. On the financial side, now is the time to take a serious look at this sector, as it needs a drastic upgrade.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    The key to your success lies in your ability to appreciate what exists. If you meet this challenge, the doors that are closed will open.

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