Go to:

    With the energies that emanate from Taurus and Pisces, you evolve at your own pace. You seize the chance and the opportunities that are offered to you while taking your time to study them with an attention that characterizes you. The evolution of your situation is, therefore, on track. With the transfer of Mars in Virgo, things take on another dimension. Starting on the 11th, you have the opportunity to push the boundaries of the possible. If you wish, you can use your talents and skills in a rewarding way. You can meet people who have the power to make you evolve. Until the 23rd, you are still destabilized by the dissonances of Cancer. It is by remaining calm in all circumstances that you will remove annoyances.

    Love in General:

    Subtly, Venus invites you to become aware of little things that are fundamentally very important. If you want your loves to come out of their torpor, get out of your legendary reserve. Put a touch of pomp in your existence. Also, do not resist the unexpected. Give in with elegance.

    In a relationship:

    Your relationship is still shaken by the dissonances of Cancer. To ease tensions, you have two solutions. Either you break your piggy bank or you take a legendary initiative that will reassure your other half for several decades.


    This month, events and circumstances make you evolve in a different world out of your habits. A person with a spellbinding charm awaits you. For the follow-up, trust yourself. You will not regret it.

    Career / Finance:

    Your development is on the right track from the 11th. The same is true if you wait for the resolution of a problem or the arrival of ease. Thanks to Mars in Virgo, you reveal the best of yourself. Your strategy pays off. You make the right choices at the right time. When you need it, you push the boundaries of the possible, and it works wonders for you. On the financial side, unusual circumstances require more resources. You can listen to your heart, but only if reason has a say. Otherwise, you will make a choice that will cost you more than expected.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    The evolution you are hoping for is about to come to fruition. To meet it, dress in your finery and agree to get out of your world.

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