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    Thanks to the presence of Jupiter in Taurus, your existence is calmer. However, you may feel that its effects are not convincing. The chances are long awaited. Why? Because the star of evolution is connected to Saturn in Pisces. This foreshadows that your expansion is happening, rest assured on this point, but it will be done slowly, but surely! However, be careful, because this month, little things can be put in place to improve your daily life. Between the 1st and 11th, a proposal that has been made to you may still be relevant. If you need time to think, take it, but not for an eternity! Saturn helps you, but that's no reason to abuse his protection!

    Love in General:

    Until the 5th, Venus puts you in an atmosphere that suits you perfectly, because it is in your sign. Then she changes her tone! Until the 30th, your desires are different. You need something else and you make it known discreetly, certainly, but with unusual conviction.

    In a relationship:

    Until the 11th, the planets in Taurus produce beneficial effects. The exchanges are calm and constructive. Your other half is giving you their attention. Then you could, again, feel a sense of isolation unless you decide to be more demonstrative than usual.


    Until the 11th, everything starts perfectly! Then, what is so well gone falls like a soufflé. If you agree, you can change the course of things. How? By putting yourself in the spotlight even more!

    Career / Finance:

    The atmosphere is much calmer in this sector. It is so quiet that you may wonder when things are going to change. Are you bored with yourself? Rest assured! Everything will be fine, but it's only a matter of time. In the meantime, take care of everyday life without asking yourself any existential questions. If, by chance, someone offers you something that would make you earn more money, think about it carefully. On the finance side, this sector is valued this month. So if you want your bank account to work like a charm, don't waste time thinking about it.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    You are full of qualities! Alas, the others have trouble discerning them. If you want to save time, instead of losing it, highlight them!

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