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    The energies of Neptune and Saturn are not kind to you. People born in the first decan of Capricorn are moving forward in total confusion, with no visibility. Meanwhile, those born in the third decan are under the restrictions of Saturn, which is their ruling planet. It is difficult to find joy and fulfillment in such a context. Luckily, you still have allies with faster-moving planets: Mars in Virgo gives you the necessary dynamism to face life's challenges. The situation may not be ideal, but in astrology, there is always something to hold onto! Count on your legendary determination. You know how to take your time, and the transits of Neptune and Saturn are just passing through. The best is yet to come. However, you can still enjoy the small pleasures of life, especially with Venus in the house of pleasures and games. An interesting opportunity before it softens your professional life and daily management. This is good timing because Uranus is making daily life difficult to manage with unpredictable situations. As for Jupiter, it is taking care of your intimate life. That is rather delightful! Where Jupiter goes, everything becomes grander and more joyful. This includes libido, finances, and financial investments. Luck awaits you in all these areas, providing another reason not to fall into Saturnian pessimism. Even though you are the eternal dissatisfied ones of the Zodiac, which also makes you reliable and trustworthy individuals, it is good to occasionally be tempted by the fruit that falls from the tree right at your feet.

    Love in General

    This is a good month for you Capricorns because Venus is transiting crucial sectors. First the sector of pleasures where she brings all her lucky factor, then the sector of your work where finally love is possible. With Jupiter, libido is at its highest level! But beware of the Venus Mars square which can bring down the euphoria.

    In a relationship

    Many discussions and relived memories due to Mercury's retrograde. Your personal life should lead to some form of fulfillment. Be careful, though, as this won't solve everything and frustration can arise, especially with Saturn's transit.


    It's difficult to build something serious and lasting right now. It may be because you shouldn't have too many expectations. Life is currently offering you a rather satisfying intimate life, so make sure to live it to the fullest.

    Career / Finance

    Activities are going well! Mars is making sure you stay busy. Disagreements may occur with your associates, but Venus is bringing some sweetness to your work routine. Some balance is being restored. Also, think about your relationship with the bank. Perhaps you should consider an investment.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope

    There is no inevitability, and even if you feel a little lost sometimes, there are always opportunities to seize to find happiness. Your personal life is under the protection of Jupiter, so make the most of it!

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