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    Jupiter revives your relationships. It inspires you to initiate projects. To do so, it creates circumstances that lead you to meet the right people at the right time. With the energies coming from Libra, exchanges are positive. Partnership proposals are on the horizon. In this mindset, you feel that things are moving in the right direction, and you are correct. Unfortunately, these planets do not remain in Libra indefinitely. Their transition to Scorpio awakens Uranus's disharmonies. Other people get involved, and they are much less accommodating than before. Don't be obstinate, as it won't help your situation. Instead, consider their requirements. By doing so, you will go further than expected.

    Love in General

    This month, you are taking everything the wrong way. Or perhaps you are stirring up conflicts in order to gauge the love your fans have for you. It may work out in the short term, but in the long run it could lead to unwanted breakups. Find another way to receive declarations of love.

    In a relationship

    You prefer to be in charge. This month, someone else is taking that place. If you take offense, it will spoil the atmosphere. So, give up a little ground and your partner will be grateful.


    If the rare gem you desire doesn't pay you enough attention, don't provoke conflicts. Why? Because they would lead to a sudden break and then you would have a hard time making up for it. Stay calm.

    Career / Finance

    Until the 21st, the Sun in Libra accentuates your charisma with your professional partners; if you have claims to make, now is the right time. However, watch out for a touch of Mercury until the 13th, which emphasizes a relational intensity that is harmful to your interests. Don't dig your heels in; stay open-minded, and everything will go better. Then, Venus glides into Sagittarius on the 17th, facilitating your initiatives or creations. Jupiter in a favorable aspect to your sign supports your network, potential partnerships, state financial support, and even more after the 10th. Uranus squaring your sign requires you to temper your ambitions; you will know how to be patient!

    Advice from FREE Horoscope

    If you are convinced that certain people are overshadowing you, you will create unnecessary conflicts. See them in the best possible light. By doing so, you will find that they are very friendly.

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