This spring marks a turning point for some, who are embarking on a new life direction. A journey that invites them to develop new potentials, while perhaps reducing their desire for possession, in order to refocus on what is essential. Others aspire to settle into a new environment, with new living conditions, where they can thrive more fully. Some will manage to combine greater mental maturity with a freer tone, thus offering the opportunity to express themselves consciously, according to their own codes.

Pisces First decan, your horoscope for Spring 2025
Love: A more promising end to the season!
This spring, you are probably more focused on expressing some new potentials emerging within you than on fully surrendering to the thrill of love. Memories, even past experiences, are beginning to resurface and demand confrontation. It’s time to clarify what has been preventing you from moving forward for a while. However, Venus awakens your appetites of all kinds between April 30 and May 15. The planet of love favors connections with your close surroundings between June 6 and 16, while Jupiter (from June 9) reconnects you with the desire to love and be loved.
In Relationship
This spring, you might question what has long been disrupting your ability to fully thrive. It’s necessary to work on yourself without resistance if you want to create space to reconcile the different facets of your personality. From June 9, Jupiter will illuminate the sector of your chart related to love, offering a chance to reignite the flame. However, be careful not to overspend to impress your partner (especially on June 15 and 19).
You’re probably not very focused on your love life this spring? Instead, you’re more concerned with what’s interfering (often unconsciously) with your desire to be happy and have fulfilling relationships. The answers to your questions are gradually arriving. Rely on Jupiter, from June 9, to boost your seductive power and attract attention. You may have opportunities to meet someone special, but a risk of being held back (especially by material factors?) could disrupt this promising dynamic on June 15 and 19.
Social Life: No downtime!
You won’t be counting the hours between April 18 and May 10, a period when Mars fuels you with energy to work hard. You collaborate unreservedly with your colleagues to complete projects quickly and efficiently. However, be cautious at the end of April (on the 21st, 23rd, and 27th), when your words could exceed your thoughts and create tensions with some. On the other hand, you will gladly use your new abilities for the collective good. From June 9, Jupiter will boost your creativity and thirst for recognition. However, be careful not to ask for too much if you want to get a lot.
Well-being: Underlying currents?
While Pluto continues to slightly disturb your inner balance, generating a restlessness that can sometimes destabilize you, you can rely on positive flows to compensate for any potential dip in energy or mood. This spring, you likely know how to make the most of this creative turbulence, which will only intensify in June. It helps recharge your batteries and reignite your enthusiasm.
Pisces First decan: your advice for Spring 2025
A spring that pushes you to deeply question yourself, while offering the necessary tools to transform your doubts into fertile ground. This process will nourish a reawakening creativity and a more visible personal radiance starting in June.

Pisces Second decan, your horoscope for Spring 2025
Love: At Home!
Jupiter supports your emotional and family growth until April 24. Take advantage of this precious astrological support to create a cozy nest, start a family, expand it, or move! This spring, you’ll do everything in your power to improve your living conditions and environment. Particularly around April 6 and May 22, you will exert extra energy to fulfill your desires! However, be careful not to be too forceful in your daily life (on May 18), as not everyone reacts as quickly as you do! At the end of the season (between June 16 and 25), Venus facilitates tender exchanges, allowing you to close this period in harmony with your loved ones.
In Relationship
This spring, you work tirelessly to ensure that you and your loved ones have a living environment that meets your expectations. Rely on Jupiter (until April 24) to support your family projects and contribute to your well-being. You won’t hesitate to invest in a property you like and use your creativity to maintain a pleasant atmosphere at home. Venus, between June 16 and 25, will offer you a sweet conclusion, allowing you to end the season in sync with your surroundings.
Do you want to settle in a place that checks all the boxes, start a home, or strengthen family bonds? Jupiter (until April 24) helps you achieve these goals by providing an environment conducive to your personal and emotional growth. You won’t hesitate to tap into your financial resources to make your projects a reality. The end of spring (between June 16 and 25) promotes harmonious exchanges, with perhaps pleasant meetings (or more, if the connection deepens).
Social Life: Team spirit!
If you run your own company or work in a family business, you benefit from a positive dynamic that favors the growth of your activity. If not, you don’t shy away from hard work and actively contribute to the expansion of the group. You will put all your creativity to the service of the collective cause. While you may wish to gain personal benefit from your efforts, you’re likely contributing to the smooth running of business affairs. Rely on your personal charisma at the end of the season (between June 16 and 25) to communicate diplomatically, charming those around you.
Well-being: Don’t push too hard!
The astrological climate this spring seems fairly neutral for preserving your physical resources. However, be particularly careful (around May 18) not to waste your energy by expressing your thoughts too aggressively! No one will appreciate it, and you could lose credibility. Throughout the season, prioritize a kind approach to contribute to the happiness of those around you. This is how you will maintain top physical and mental well-being.
Pisces Second decan: your advice for Spring 2025
This spring is promising for your family and personal growth, provided you fully invest in building your happiness. And that should be the case!

Pisces Third decan, your horoscope for Spring 2025
Love: The End of the Tunnel!
You are completing a life cycle focused on gaining greater mental maturity. This period may have made you feel somewhat isolated? This spring, count on Venus (from March 27 to April 30) to encourage you to reflect on the direction you now want to give your emotional life. This reflection will be beneficial for your growth, particularly at the end of March and in April, when you will manage to combine authenticity, strength, and the desire to break free from conventional paths. From April 24 to June 9, Jupiter will exalt your desire for family fulfillment and provide you with the means to achieve it!
In Relationship
Saturn (since the end of February) has somewhat distanced you from others. Even though this solitude was necessary for your personal development, you will enjoy coming out of it this spring. You know how to make the most of the lessons learned to combine greater maturity with the thirst to broaden your horizons and eliminate preconceived ideas about what your life should be. From April 24, Jupiter favors family closeness. Take advantage of this to strengthen your bonds and warm the atmosphere!
Since the end of February, you may have experienced a form of solitude necessary for your personal and more mature reconstruction. Fortunately, this spring, you manage to balance reason with creativity, consciousness with the desire to express your longing for something new. Mission accomplished! From April 24 to June 9, Jupiter will illuminate your family and private life. However, be careful around June 15 not to pressure your loved ones into unconditionally adopting your views.
Social Life: Constructive approach!
This spring, you know how to combine originality with a reasoned approach to the limits not to cross in order to make an impression and score points. You pursue an ideal that you will have the opportunity to make real at the end of March and in April. Count on your stimulated creativity to gain recognition for your talents and merits (until April 18). You won’t hesitate to roll up your sleeves (between May 30 and June 17) to contribute to a collective project. If you plan to create your own company or are already leading a family business, expect the acceleration of its development from April 24!
Well-being: The Sky Clears Up!
This spring, you can expect the recurring fatigue to fade, and for you to regain energy. Especially from the end of May, when the austere Saturn retreats. Mars will help you regain energy between May 30 and June 10, boosting your combativeness. However, be cautious not to overuse this astrological support around June 15 by putting too much pressure on others and risk misusing your precious energy!
Pisces Third decan: your advice for Spring 2025
Saturn will leave you alone after May 25, and you will likely feel this pressure decrease from the beginning of spring. Take advantage of this to strengthen your family relationships, which may have been somewhat neglected lately!
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