This series of 6 cards represents a person's material life and social achievements. It relates to financial matters. Note: the 9 of Clubs appears in 2 series, the Golden Fleece and the Order of Time.

The 6 cards of the Conquest of the Golden Fleece in detail
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    The Ace of Clubs

    #page_tag_title#Group: The Golden Fleece

    Effect: Positive

    Description: Jason is about to take up Aietes' challenge, near the tree where the Golden Fleece is found.

    Flower: The Buttercup (avarice)

    Constellation : Ophiucus

    Numerical Value: 04

    The 4 of Diamonds

    #page_tag_title#Group: The Golden Fleece

    Effect: Very positive

    Description: Medea gives Jason precious objects that will help him succeed in his quest.

    Flower: Nettle (exhaustion)

    Constellation : Cygnus Numerical Value: 08

    The 9 of Clubs

    #page_tag_title#Group: The Golden Fleece and the Order of Time

    Effect: Variable

    Description: Hercules is fighting the Lernean Hydra, but the crayfish sent by Juno is about to pinch him.

    Flower: Clover (humility)

    Constellation : Hercules In Astrology, this relates to the sign of Cancer

    Numerical Value: 15

    The 9 of Diamonds

    #page_tag_title#Group: The Golden Fleece

    Effect: Mainly positive

    Description: The Argonauts board the boat built by the architect Argo.

    Flower: Juniper (certainty)

    Constellation : Delphinus

    Numerical Value: 26

    The King of Clubs

    #page_tag_title#Group: The Golden Fleece

    Effect: Mainly positive

    Description: Phineus, the King of Thrace, advises the Argonauts.

    Flower: Basil (undertaking)

    Constellation : Frederici Honores

    Numerical Value: 10

    The 10 of Diamonds

    #page_tag_title#Group: The Unforeseen

    Effect: Positive

    Description: Pelias receives Jason and explains his quest.

    Flower: Red Carnation (immorality)

    Constellation : Leo Minor

    Numerical Value: 05