Mary was born on the 15th December and her birth sign is Sagittarius. This is a Fire sign and she is always on the move and overflowing with energy! For this reason, after studying Sociology in University for five years, she moved on very quickly to studying the planets and their influence on nature and human behaviour.

As an editor, she likes sharing her knowledge with others and today offers us her didactic articles on the vast subjects of the Cosmos and its impact on our personality. Her other keen interests are reading and the cinema.
One of her favourite quotes is from Antoine de Saint-Exupery's novel, The Little Prince: "Let your life be consumed by dreams, so that your dreams aren't consumed by life." This is a rite-of-passage novel, where the stars begin to have real significance. Does the secret of happiness not lie in living your dreams while respecting yourself and others? Learn to be yourself and you will do the right thing!
Equally specialized in oracles and Tarology, for Mary, the Tarots enlighten us. They reveal the future and are valuable guides that tell us the path to take and the proper behavior to adopt to manage all situations while knowing that our destiny belongs to us. We are the only masters on board the success of our projects, relationships, and affairs.