David invites himself into your kitchen to give new colors to your culinary preparations! Eccentric sandwiches, the right way to make a success with his gratin dauphinois, the benefits of garlic and olive oil in an inventive cuisine... David talks about fruits, vegetables, old and new techniques to succeed all your dishes. He makes you discover exotic flavors; he informs you about the role of spices and condiments.

If it takes little to miss a dish, just a detail to sublimate! With humor, lightness and gourmet, David takes you on the paths of gastronomy every day. Enjoy your meal!
Keys to a Balanced Diet: Tips for Optimal Health
A balanced diet contributes to maintaining good health and overall well-being. Here are some tips to guide you toward healthier and balanced food choices.
Diversify Your Plate: Vary your diet, add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. This habit ensures a good intake of nutrients.
Control Your Portions: Learn to assess appropriate portions, avoid overloading your plate, use smaller plates to help limit quantities.
Limit Processed Foods: Reduce the consumption of foods rich in sugar, salt, and saturated fats as much as possible. Opt for unprocessed and fresh foods instead.
Stay Hydrated: Drink enough water throughout the day to maintain good hydration. Avoid sugary drinks and sodas.
Plan Your Meals: Plan your meals to avoid impulsive food choices (never go grocery shopping when you're hungry). This can help you incorporate nutritious foods into your diet.
Listen to Your Body: Learn to recognize hunger and fullness signals. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're satisfied.
By following these tips, you can improve your diet, maintain a healthy weight, and enjoy better health. A balanced diet is the key to a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Written by Zagon
With or without gluten?
With the trend "no glu", it is advisable to know the gluten-free products to which fans are entitled, so we recommend them today, so you do not get lost in the wrong lists. First, the first cereal allowed is rice, which is a very nutritious food since it represents a source of nutrients that the body needs. You can also go in these cereals that do not contain wheat or rye or barley: quinoa, corn and polenta. As far as dairy products are concerned, you will avoid flavored or lightened dairy products because they contain barley or wheat used to thicken them; also bottled milk, pasteurized or sterilized, as well as white cheeses or natural yogurts that do not contain gluten. In your diet, you will have no bad surprise in fruits and vegetables because none have, and ditto for fish, shellfish, seafood and meat; however, it will be necessary to start cooking them because the dishes prepared, them, which you buy in self-service bathe in sauces and conservatives made of cereals. So, beware! Written by David
Eat a handful of almonds
The origin of the word almond comes from Latin Amandula or Greek Amigdalon which means divine gift or a rare and precious good. Just that, yes, but it's already starting to put us on the track as to its healing benefits. Almond contains magnesium, vitamin B, proteins and amino acids. Despite its high calorie content, it causes weight loss for those who consume regularly; 4 to 5 a day is the ideal pace. It is rich in fiber and protein, it reduces hunger and the desire to eat in the day. It also stimulates brain activity and helps the brain stay focused thanks to the oils and amino acids it contains. In addition, it reduces stress and risks of insomnia. The fact that it is rich in phosphorus optimizes the power of the brain as well as the sight. It also prevents body cells from premature aging. In short, it is not for nothing that the Egyptian civilization considered it a panacea. Written by David
The virtues of cashews
Although it is less rich in calcium and fiber than almonds, cashews get a good reputation among nutritionists thanks to its mono-unsaturated fats, that is to say, beneficial for health. Clinical studies encourage a point consumption of these oleaginous fruits which are in good place to reduce the cardiovascular risks and of type 2 diabetes. It is of course necessary to obtain them in an organic grocer preferably, without salt and dry roasted and to turn away from those that are mixed with palm oil. Note that their copper, phosphorus and iron content is a very good antioxidant to protect and defend the body and thus fight against the effects of aging. Their magnesium is perfect for fighting mood swings or barbells. So, do not miss out on it: in the morning in a yoghurt or a muesli, at the four o'clock break with your apple! Written by David
Feng-Shui cuisine
It must be assumed that any food prepared in a kitchen will be invested with the energy that prevails, so always make sure that your food room is always clean. Get rid of all your outdated products lying in the bottom of your closets or your fridge because the freshness of the dishes they contain will be an important vector for the health of your home. Another important point is that the sink and your cooking plates must not cohabit next to each other because the energies of water and fire are very opposite and can create disharmony in your home: you can always arrange a separation with wood (e.g. utensils) or a green plant. Also avoid leaving sharp material because Feng-Shui is not very customer of all these forms angular or sharp. On the other hand, if the worktop is facing the door, turning the back on visitors does not propagate a climate of invitation, so you can place a mirror to cancel this effect or a sparkling casserole. Finally, a good light is a sign of good health and good mood, so be sure to make it clear and relaxing. Written by David
Cooking and Singles
Cooking and singlehood make for an intriguing combination that reveals a multitude of aspects, combining creativity, time management, and self-discovery. For those who live alone, cooking is much more than a necessity; it's a solitary culinary adventure.
One of the major advantages of cooking for singles lies in the total freedom of choice. No compromises, no imposed menus, just the opportunity to create dishes according to one's preferences. This encourages the exploration of new flavors, mastery of culinary skills, and adaptation to potential dietary restrictions.
Cooking for oneself allows for a better understanding of one's nutritional needs and promotes a balanced and healthy diet. It's also an opportunity to transform the kitchen into a space for relaxation, creativity, and personal expression.
However, cooking alone can sometimes lead to loneliness. That's why sharing a meal with friends or loved ones is a way to combine the culinary experience with sociability.
Cooking for singles offers fertile ground for experimentation, self-discovery, and the creation of personalized delights. It's a culinary adventure that enriches not only the palate but also the soul. Written by Zagon
Bread for your soup
There is always a good broth or good soup in perspective when the days or evenings are a little cool - but not only. For a vegetable soup, a slice of dried tomatoes is an excellent accompaniment: after toasting your slice of bread, brush it with fresh goat cheese, add a piece of dried tomato and sprinkle with a few drops of olive oil, you we will tell you news! For tomato soup, a green pesto sandwich is ideal, just add goat cheese or gruyere cheese and savor it! If you prefer to make originality, why not put a fresh fig with honey on your fresh goat cheese sandwich? Or, opt for smoked ham with melted cheese of course, which will enhance the taste of your soup. Written by David
Coffee is never too strong
Contrary to popular belief, coffee has benefits not to neglect; it is not recommended to abuse it, of course, but a cup or two or three in the day is not harmful. Scientific studies have shown that it will reduce type 2 diabetes, burn fat in the body and boost our metabolism. On the other hand, for any effort to provide in the gym, it would increase our performance significantly. It was estimated that, to counter the blows of depression, 4 cups in the day would have very good effects on the morale and that, in a general way, the coffee would participate in the improvement of our intellect by releasing the neurotransmitters which offer a more optimal performance of your neurons. And if you are not a coffee lover, you can always start tasting it differently, so Frappuccino, with ice cream and whipped cream. Enjoy! Written by David
Zen through fish
A study published recently has shown that consuming more fish and nuts, rich in omega 3, would make it less aggressive. The French researcher who coordinated the study in question argues for these polyunsaturated acids that allow the brain to function much more fluidly. Dieticians and doctors believe that the population is generally deficient in omega-3 and consumes far too much omega-6, present in processed fatty products. Without going as far as to do intense cures of food supplements, specialists remind us that we must include in our consumption habits fish, nuts and canola oil or nuts. This is what was on the menu of study participants taking omega-3 capsules. Results followed that confirmed a significant decrease in their aggression, compared to another placebo group. Written by David
Discover the benefits of dates!
We can only recommend that you regularly eat this tasty fruit that contains oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, copper and manganese, all excellent for your health. Nutritionists say that eating a date a day is advisable in a healthy and balanced diet and for muscle development. It can be eaten in different ways, with milk or yogurt, especially during convalescence or illness. The nervous system benefits a lot from energy intake of dates because of its significant amount of potassium and health experts say that eating a date a day can help maintain excellent eye health all our lives. The date is also recommended for aging people because it strengthens bones with selenium, magnesium and copper it contains. Needless to say, those with anemia should eat it for their iron. Written by David