Since the dawn of time, men have been searching for the meaning of the world and their destiny. On all continents, at all times, insiders have addressed this issue and used elements of their environment to try to solve this puzzle. Many civilizations have observed the planetary movements and have developed different astrologies but others have based themselves on natural phenomena, seasons, trees, animals or flowers to find symbols corresponding to their personality. Others finally, like the Egyptians, have attributed a protective god for each period of the year.

So? What Egyptian God protects you? What are the characteristics of your Aztec sign? What is the correlation between your Western astrological sign and your Native American totem?
With David, travel to the land of ancestral symbols and enjoy all the exoticism and interest of discovering you through another culture, another era, another civilization.
Have a nice trip!
Discovering the zodiac of the pharaohs!
If you were born between March 11th and 31st, your Egyptian astrological sign is Isis. Isis personifies patience and gives the natives a great openness, humanistic impulses. If you are betrayed, you will be no less idealistic and will always have faith in human nature. Of a conciliatory temperament, you always consider the positive and you settle in a blooming vibration. You always work in a way that will please your friends and your entourage and your magical good mood accomplishes this goal with ease. Moreover, when you go away, a big void is created in your loved ones. Solidarity, as well as intimate a life united to a partner, is essential to your eyes. The human sciences, psychology, sociology, community life represent areas where you could invest without problem. Determination is also one of your qualities to lead any project fighting against pettiness and hypocrisy. Written by David
What is the meaning of your sign in Egyptian astrology?
If you were born between March 1st and 10th, your Egyptian astrological sign is Osiris. He is the god of the dead and the master of the survival of the dead in the underworld. He is represented with a false beard, a butt, a whip and a crown. Osiris taught men to farm the land and to fish. These natives are curious, constantly looking for new experiences and developing all their life their multiple knowledge. They are often scientists in their chosen fields. Osiris is open, confident, and sociable; he has no trouble getting relationships and having a good popularity rating. But it can be naive or distracted and then know some disappointments... It is an idealistic sign that aims the impossible, which is not discouraged by a failure and always finds the strength and courage to bounce back against the adversity. Written by Zagon
Your animal-totem: the Wolf
If you were born between February 20th and March 20th, your animal-totem in Native American astrology is the Wolf. Our modern civilization is not very tender with this animal, attributing a certain number of evils to it and that does not date from today since the tales already described it as a dangerous and aggressive creature. The Amerindians see in the Wolf a benevolent, generous and loving creature that his reputation suggests. The natives of this sign know how to protect the members of their clan with pugnacity and love, like a wolf mother. Receptive to the energies that circulate around, the Wolves are endowed with a great sensibility that can enrich them internally as well as intoxicating them, also according to their frequentations. In a positive environment, the Wolf is affectionate, tender, passionate. If he feels rejected, he can become savage, withdrawn into himself. His duality pack / isolation is the sign that he must appeal to a leader confident of him and inspires serenity to channel it. Written by David
Your Egyptian astrological sign: Geb.
If you were born between February 12 and 28, your Egyptian astrological sign is Geb. God of the earth, plants and minerals, he was the brother of Mut, the goddess of heaven, and nothing could separate them. It is said that it is Geb's bursts of laughter that produce the earthquakes. The natives are great creators, good organizers who play an effective advisory role thanks to his inspired words. Endearing, alive and emotional, you are rather of a solitary nature. You must be careful not to over-absorb the disturbed energy of others and take care of yourself. You are not subject to ego attacks; on the contrary, you know how to rise above the human mass and the narcissists. You are good at focusing on difficult tasks without scattering yourself... Written by David
Back to Egyptian astrology!
If you were born between February 1st and 11th, your Egyptian astrological sign is Amon-Ra. This god has the shape of the sun: it symbolizes the solar cult of Egyptian civilization. This image of the sun is completed horns and the flail; it sometimes has a ram's head, sometimes a human face. This god gives a great charisma to his natives because he plunges them into the light and gives them dynamism. These natives are very convincing and envision the world with great wisdom and serenity. They do not make decisions lightly. It is a very spiritual sign that is not always well understood by his entourage but whose radiation is appreciated by all. They are whole, authentic people who spread good humor and optimism in their environment, they are true philosophers! Written by Zagon
The Year of the Earth Dog
This is the Chinese New Year, an important celebration for at least a quarter of the world's population. The sign in the animal zodiac for this year is the Dog, dominated by the Earth element in its Yang form. People whose element Earth is marked in their Chinese horoscope will this year be based on a reassuring stability that will allow them to cross the year more serenely. For those whose theme is marked by Fire or Metal, it is an index of cash receipts, provided they show fairness in transactions. More generally, it is a year that is repeated every 60 years in the Chinese calendar and emphasizes a social renewal of the condition of men. The big questions (education, health ...) will be posed with force, redesigned and followed by effects. The fulfillment and joy of the success of projects undertaken during the previous year (year of the Rooster of Fire) can only be appreciated in a context of empathy and equitable sharing of resources. Happy New Year, Dogs! Written by David
A bit of Native American astrology?
If you were born between January 20 and February 19, your totem animal in Native American astrology is the Otter. According to the Indian tradition, you have exceptional gifts. Your imagination is unbridled and it is the happiness of your entourage who enjoys listening to you with your sense of narration. You are quick of spirit, inventive, good and sociable. In the eyes of the shaman, the Otter knows how to communicate his joy and does not lack charity; his temper is eccentric but devoid of aggressiveness. The symbol of your personality comes from the amphibian character of the Otter that evolves in water as well as on the land; in other words, a balance must be found between your deep maternal emotions symbolized by the aquatic element and your momentum of freedom represented by the earth. The Indians had observed the Otter's playful attitude in the company of his cubs, and this trait is often seen in Aquarian parents, who become friends or playmates with their children. Written by David
Your Egyptian astrological sign: Amon-Ra
If you were born between January 8 and 21, your Egyptian astrological sign is Amon-Ra. This god has the shape of the sun: it symbolizes the solar cult of Egyptian civilization. This image of the sun is completed horns and the flail; it sometimes has a ram's head, sometimes a human face. This god gives a great charisma to his natives because he plunges them into the light and gives them dynamism. These natives are very convincing and envision the world with great wisdom and serenity. They do not make decisions lightly. It is a very spiritual sign that is not always well understood by his entourage but whose radiation is appreciated by all. They are whole, authentic people who spread good humor and optimism in their environment, they are true philosophers! Written by Zagon
Back to Egyptian astrology
If you were born between January 1st and 7th, your Egyptian astrological sign is the Nile. This deity is most often represented as an androgynous figure, surrounded by fertile attributes, offerings or with plant hair. The Nile was considered a god because of its miraculous annual floods, depositing alluvium capable of fertilizing the earth. In terms of character, natives are very receptive to people and places that feed their energy. They also manage to feel what is happening or hiding under the facade of things. They are very creative and everything that comes with beauty and luminous intelligence inspires them. Their personality is not without charm others. They are altruistic, courageous and full of positive energy. Sometimes, with their milk soup temperament, they can explode without warning but this does not prevent their entourage appreciate because they like to serve. Written by David
A correlation between Sagittarius and the Owl!
If you were born between November 23rd and December 21st, you are Owl in Native American astrology. Several points have attracted the attention of Indian shamans concerning the Owl, including its way of life but also its way of hunting. Moreover, the immense and luminous eyes of this nocturnal raptor give it a clairvoyant side that goes beyond the limits imposed by the darkness of the night and one could make the link with the Sagittarius which is constituted a different vision of the life, always greater, brighter than that of ordinary mortals. On the other hand, his way of hunting leads the Owl to feed on small rodents and insects, which gives him a protective role and cleanser by ridding the earth of useless things. The personal qualities of the owl in Native American astrology are clairvoyance, good council, insightful lucidity, independence and a taste for adventure. Written by David