There's vacation and then there's the rest of the year - with its obligations, unpleasant tasks and stress. But it doesn't have to last forever! A vacation's pace creates a different relationship toward ourselves and others. What have you learned? What have you felt? What do you need to take with you back home? Which of your qualities should you highlight when dealing with your bosses, colleagues, lover, or children? Here is your fall to-do list for making the magic last beyond your vacation...

At work
With your boss - Hold onto your love for taking initiative: After coming up with a whole slew of activities to make your vacation as fun as possible, you will go full bore, suggesting one idea and plan after another. Understand what your boss expects of you and forge on ahead while remaining reassuring and explaining what it is you are doing. This is for them, not you - remember that.
Identify with them. Motivated and efficient, you are great on vacation and even more reliable once you're back in the office. But that's not enough. Pay close attention to what your boss wants, listen to what they tell you (and don't) so that you can guess what they expect before they even say it. Be the person they dare not be.
With your coworkers - Stay cheerful and be as chipper as can be: Your energy and good spirits make for a pleasant atmosphere at the office. Even if not everyone is a friend of yours, it will be hard for everyone not to enjoy you.
Focus on your partners: Remember: even if it's just a game of horseshoes or beach volleyball, you're part of a team and have to act like it. Now just keep the same spirit at work. Think of the greater good and work as a group. Even if you think you are better than everyone else, you always stand to gain by working together.
At home
With your lover - Show that you are truly present: You've managed to find time for a vacation, so do the same for your lover the rest of the year. Your strength makes you a pillar of your family life. Use your standing to show your partner you love them, even if they are only small or discreet signs. It doesn't take a lot to be happy.
With your children - Share: You played with them in your free time and listened to them, giving them the attention they give you the rest of the year. It is indeed noble to work hard at the office so that you can give them a better life, but sharing it with them is even more important. Be there more than just when a crisis emerges or only intermittently. They have their own expectations and demands that might go unnoticed.
At work
With your boss - Cultivate your willingness to compromise: During your vacation, you had to handle everyone else's habits and desires and manage every little detail so that everything won't smoothly. Don't change a thing at work. Even if it doesn't go over quite as well, treat everyone as your family - but without getting too familiar. Support your boss. Get their affairs in order for them but know your place. If they feel that you are there for them, you will become indispensable.
Stay pragmatic: A suggestion, a plan made reality. On vacation, you have no time to lose. It goes by so fast that you need to be on the ball and decide on what you are going to do each day. Your boss expects the same thing. It is up to you to turn their ideas into a plan, to turn their expectations in reality.
With your coworkers - Use your common sense: After swimming through the seas and oceans on vacation, you have no intention of drowning in useless details. In case of emergency, you possess the knack of being able to set things straight, putting them into perspective, and finding a way forward. Your the office lifeguard!
Cooperate: It is out of the question to abandon ship when an emergency arises. We're all in the same boat, so take responsibility. But without criticizing others or turning into an dictator to get things done. We need your skills - not your authority. Stay as cool as if you were on vacation...
At home
With your lover - To get on their case: You got to have your lover all to yourself while on vacation, so give them some space once you get back. Each of you are separated by your own duties and responsibilities, but, once they get home, take the time to ask them how their day went without interrogating them about it, though.
With your children - Take out a warranty: After the beach or white-water rafting, you will have gotten much closer to your children on vacation. Adjust this attitude according to your schedule. Sure, you will have less time, and no one will hold it against you, but reading them a bedtime story or helping them make a collage will only strengthen your bond.
At work
With your boss - Cut to the chase: During vacation, every day counts, and time is short. It would be a real waste to put off until tomorrow what you could get done right now. Remember this once you're back at the office. Your boss needs company and reassurance. By fixing your goal and figuring out what you need to get there, you will succeed. You have to get things done now - not tomorrow, not later. Now.
Gain more independence. You are no sheep, and that's what everyone likes about you. Even on a planned trip, you will figure out a way to leave the scheduled program and look at something different, do something different. This is your greatest skill and strength. Especially at work! As long, that is, as you meet your deadlines and your clients' expectations. Show off your originality and suggest new, unique ways of looking at things. Your boss has enough underlings, but someone who offers new points of view - now that's rare.
With your coworkers - Back them up at a moment's notice: The stunning thing about you is your ability to delegate to others. You might not even notice this intellectual flexibility of yours, your need to move, your ability to be comfortable anywhere. So, when a colleague is in trouble, help them out and take on the work they can't finish at the moment. You will be doing them a favor and will be seen as the kind person you are. Everybody wins.
Respect your commitments: You aren't allowed to disappoint. You noticed it on vacation: your children count on you, as do your family and friends. They count on you at the office, too, so put the group before yourself. Keep your word. Do what you said you would do. It's just a little mental gymnastics, which should be a piece of cake for someone as clever as you.
At home
With your lover - Don't pass the buck: Vacation is the chance you've been dreaming of to be alone together, to talk, to clear the air. Once house has been cleaned, try to keep it that way. No more double standards or leading a double life. Do what suits you, but do so honestly. For yourself as much as for your partner.
With your children - Hold onto your inner child: Don't worry about your age - you are still young. And you can stay that way all year long by playing with your children, doing things with them, and just taking the time to laugh with them. The important things is that you feel connected to them.
At work
With your boss - Highlight your positive qualities: Have you gone outside just to stay under an umbrella or bundle up in big sweaters? Of course not! So remember: in your professional life, the same goes. Hold your head up, relax, and show that your mind is as active as your body is tan. You are a bombshell in your swimsuit - so be one at the office, too.
Come up with an alternative: One slight breeze or sudden storm, and you have to replan your entire day. Paddle boarding or board games - what's the difference? And why should work be any harder? It can indeed be harder to get the logistics in place, but if you can come up with a plan B for your boss, you will show them that you've thought of everything and that nothing gets past you.
With your coworkers - Make decisions: You swam all summer long, so be ready to jump into the deep end! It's too easy to pass the blame for a failure onto others, and it's not smart to let them take all the glory of success. Who cares if you are told "no"? Too bad if your idea isn't used. The important things is that you feel in tune with your colleagues. Social cohesion, group spirit, solidarity - that sort of thing.
Toughen up: Skin tans under the sun to protect itself, and you should do the same mentally. Criticism is not pleasant, but you'll get over it. Just like tanning. A nice dessert, a little self-care, and - bam - you're feeling fine again.
At home
With your lover - Say something, anything: If things are going fine, say so. If they aren't, so that, too. Frankly, your partner has been sick of your riddles and the guessing game for a while, especially if you haven't taken the time to really express yourself when you get the chance. You know that summer's leisure time ends, your partner won't get the time to wait for you to make a decisions. They're listening!
With your children - Let them go: From morning to night, you've had your children around you full time. How wonderful, how fulfilling it's been. You had a ball! Once summer is over, however, realize that they have their own lives, friends, and activities. Hold onto what is truly important to you, and let the rest go. It will give them, and you, a break.
At work
With your boss - Stay on the level: You have charisma, charm, people skills - no need to be a psychologist to see that you are above the fray. No wonder your boss thinks you might think you are above even them. And that's no good. There's no use competing with them. Well, not right now and not like this. The goal is to woo them, win them over while putting them at ease and show them what skills you have, that you are at their service! A piece of cake!
Work on your style: You are not disposable, and that's what your boss needs to see at a glance. Your way of speaking, of moving, the way you explain your plans will grab their attention. Naturally, you get looks. Make sure that these people listen to you as well, though.
With your coworkers - Keep it simple: Pretend that they are just your friends, people you could have a beer with. You don't need to totally blow them away, just have fun and be a friend. Of course, at work - with its scheming, back-biting, and gossip - things are a little different. But, if you can avoid coming off as superior, you will quickly be brought into the fold and appreciated.
Motivate them: With your dynamic energy and natural authority, you are a magnificent coach. Act the same way with your coworkers, but be careful not to step on your bosses' toes. Bring everyone together and rally them, but take it as practice for the day when you will be on top yourself.
At home
With your lover - Be authentic: On vacation, far away from the daily grind, it is easy to impress, to make yourself look good, and think that everything is easier in the sunshine. Once your back home, though, reality hits, and it's no use covering things up or lying to each other. Even if your job isn't the best and it isn't so easy to show yourself in a less-than-flattering light, honesty will help you mature.
With your children - Bend the rule: Your children were at peace during vacation, so don't burden them with rules and dictates whose only purpose is to impose your authority. When it comes to life habits, focus on what is good for them - not you.
At work
With your boss - Break out of your routine: On vacation, you had to react quickly and deal with the most pressing matters first, which worked out nicely for you . What with your common sense and pragmatic mind, you are rarely overwhelmed for long. Keep this up at work with your boss. Set your goals, follow your own guide, and agree to challenge and question yourself so that you can come up with other ideas. Creativity plus organization equals great success.
Expand your horizons: See further than just what your boss asks for in the moment. Think outside the box. Suggest new ideas. Prod at times. You are a great addition to the team: trustworthy, serious, devoted. But, you have much more than that to offer. And this is what your boss expects to get out of you, even if you they don't ask for it outright or if it isn't among your usual traits.
With your coworkers - Be attentive: Work is work, but that shouldn't stop you from feeling good. You are forced to interact with others at work, which should work out just fine for you. Getting results is fundamental for you. Pushing a plan forward is essential, but so is the emotional side of human relations. Work on this side of things, to, and you will be better than perfect.
Explain things: The pace after summer is naturally more frantic than when on vacation. But oh well - it's not a race, either! Why not slow down a bit? Speak slower, think slower. Take the time to explain to others what you understood right off the bat. You are an excellent go-between for your bosses and coworkers. Both sides trust you, so make full use of this chance.
At home
With your lover - Explore your sensuality: You are free to love whenever you wish. What if you put it into practice...? With as organized as you are, this shouldn't be asking for too much. Your desire to learn will open you up to numerous fantasies, and your perfectionism is a guarantee of quality. Great nights everyday - what a plan!
With your children - Keep an eye on them, but from afar: Health, school, food - it's crazy how many things you have to take care of and impose on them. Your children are more independent that you think, so let them be as much as possible. Depending their age, let them do what they want. No one but you is asking for perfection...
At work
With your boss - Have some self-confidence: Your great smile, your fit body - remember all the compliments you received on vacation. And hold onto them! Feed off them when you are face-to-face with your boss. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Never doubt your skill. Your boss chose you for who you are, and they appreciate you for who you are, too. What are you waiting for to show off your whole range of abilities?
Pay attention to detail: Style is your thing. You have a certain "je ne sais quoi" that makes you stand out. But, don't let this restrict your look or manner of speaking. Present your work in an attractive manner, as well. Spice it up - add a little joy and enthusiasm into it. Your boss will be even more receptive to it.
With your coworkers - Stay focused: Though it might be fun to gather information, hear different opinions, or get distracted from your boring work, it is imperative that you analyze and pick through these distractions - even if it means isolating yourself if you are incapable of resisting the intention to spread yourself too thin. You are, after all, free to do as you please when you have time off. At work, however, results are expected, and you have no right to drop the ball here.
Finish your work: Rely solely on yourself. Even if your coworkers are loving and helpful, it's not their job to make up for your weaknesses or pick up the slack when you come up short. They are not your friends; they are people like you - people who need to work hard and count on each other.
At home
With your lover - Put away your claws: Seeing your partner tanned, sexy, and desirable has definitely changed the way you see them. You're not the only one with charm, and you will just have to get used to it - as they did with all your shortcomings. Being afraid of being possessed makes you no less possessive yourself. Put another way: don't let yourself get away with something you wouldn't put up with.
With your children - Try out different activities: You love children: the way they run around, doing a million things at once, and you will pamper them, which they are sure to appreciate. Without overfilling their schedule, open up their minds by signing them up for extracurricular activities. Have their friends over. Such a fun and festive mood is sure to do you all some good.
At work
With your boss - Work regularly: Don't hurry through your work and then just slack off once you've met your deadline. This "all or nothing" thing doesn't fly with your boss. They need to see that you are committed and know how to put in the work. It's a marathon, not a sprint that you can slack off after.
Opt for discretion: Don't panic: you're not being asked to crawl into a hole somewhere. That's not your style and never will be. But don't be too extravagant, either, or hog all the limelight. Don't try to toot your own horn. You're a good worker, and your boss knows it. Frankly, blowing smoke won't get you very far, either.
With your coworkers - Accept objections: Remember: working together and discussion from the foundations of relationships with others. Even if your opinion is shut down or you think you are completely in the right, open up dialog. It will make you look more accepting and open than you really are. Plus, who knows, you might just learn something.
Hold onto your misgivings: There's talking and then there's ... talking. If it is to exchange ideas and points of view, all the better. But, if it is to gossip or give voice to doubts and anxiety - no go. Filled with energy from your time off, you have everything to gain from distancing yourself from what normally makes you lose your cool and gets under your skin. It's not all black and white. The more you are willing to see nuances and shades, the more comfortable you will be with others.
At home
With your lover - Come to terms with what they want: Your own pleasure - that's all you ever think about. But, you are not the only one on this quest. Love takes two , and so does pleasure. Even in those times when we don't have time for our partners. You are already intense, so focus on quality, and, to get there, open up and speak with your mind, body, and soul.
With your children - Turn off the parental control: You are hyper protective and aren't going to change. But, if you are constantly looking out for your children's safety and controlling every little thing (even unconsciously), it will start to be a burden on them. Give them more responsibility and trust them with the keys.
At work
With your boss - Be attentive: Take a backseat from time to time, while taking the time to look at your boss, to examine how they work, and understand their management style. Pay close attention, as if you were examining someone you just met in a foreign land during one of your many voyages. Let go of what you think you know and adapt to their way of doing things. A connection will form in the best way possible.
Show your god-like calm: Even during times of panic, and especially if you lack self-confidence, you never look shaken. Your boss is the captain of the ship and needs to know that their second in command can take the helm if the situation demands it.
With your coworkers - Resolve conflict: Even among friends, or among people who are relaxed from vacation, acting as if nothing was the matter is not a good plan. So, think about how much worse it would be at work with people where a hierarchy or power relations are at play. No wishful thinking: things don't figure themselves out. You have to get down to work making them work.
Don't get too buddy-buddy: Creating a friendly atmosphere is a good idea, of course, but it will be up to you to keep things separated. You are here to work with your colleagues, not to make friends. This means that you are under no obligation to make sure anyone has fun. Think about it - it'll do you some good.
At home
With your lover - Make them your first priority: Never sitting still, you often look afar for what is right in front of you. Accolades, a career, social relations: these are trophies that you love to show off, but love, true, generous, unselfish love can only be found with your partner. What in injustice!
With your children - Encourage them: You are astounding, truly astounding! You are always there, ever the faithful parent, whether at the poolside or at a piano recital, you are constantly thinking of your children, believing in their abilities, and pushing them toward success. The only thing to watch out for is that your children are doing what pleases them and not just whatever boosts your ego.
At work
With your boss - Show your sense of responsibility: What is amazing about you is that no one needs to tell you what to do to make sure things get done. In your free time, as much as at work, no one needs to hound you to get results. Just imagine the comfort that must bring to your boss. Not only do you take on the tasks assigned to you, but you are also capable of doing better, doing more, going the extra mile. What a blessing!
Be loyal: What's said is said, and you won't be back on it. You are a pillar, a paragon, even. Your friends and family know it well. Make sure your boss knows it, too, by working together with them. Assure them that you are there and always will be. When all others have gone, there you will be. This is a rare quality, which makes you all the more valuable.
With your coworkers - Show your sense of humor: As for work, you don't need to prove your dedication and sense of responsibility. It's not at work, but on your relationships with others, that you have to work. And you have some real advantages here. Others might find you distant, but you're the first person to tell a joke, get everybody laughing, and reveal your soft side. You deserve to be known. Truly. So, go ahead and drop the mask.
Take them as they are: Of course, yes, in any team there are the more motivated members and the lazy bones. Is it your job to get after them, though? Of course not. Your priority is to make the most of the time you have together with your colleagues. Eight hours a day isn't nothing and requires tact. Give advice to anyone who asks for it and leave the rest alone.
At home
With your lover - Go on a date: Instead of eating dinner at home, take them out to a nice restaurant. Instead sleeping your own bed, head to a hotel. Instead of sticking to the same old, same old, add some fantasy to your relationship. With your sense of commitment and loyalty, you know just how to put your partner at ease. But, it would also be good to introduce a little frivolity, laughter - and the unexpected. You will only be loved even more for it.
With your children - Be more tolerant: With your rules and principles, you only want your children to grow up right, but, within your home life, you could soften your authority without losing the upper hand. If your children feel that you are there for them, you will impact them in a much better, and realer, way.
At work
With your boss - Watch your words: No small talk or nonsense; results - only results. It's all well and good to have a head full of ideas, but if they are not followed up by action, what's the point? Remember that when you suggest an activity to your friend or family on your time off, you don't have the whole day to give a whole presentation, and it's the same at work. So be concise. Speak without notes so that you can really grab your boss' attention.
Work fast - fast, but don't rush. You are clever enough to read between the lines and understand that your responsiveness is your best asset. Synthesize down all the information that show them only what is actually important. Your boss will be stunned.
With your coworkers - Let them speak: You are, of course, always going to have your own thoughts, remarks, and criticisms, and so much the better. It shows that you can stun others, and it can even be flattering. You went far away on vacation, so use this distance to figure out what is worth your while and get rid of what isn't.
Figure out what is actually urgent and what is unnecessary: Don't try to do everything at once. You will have already lost before you got started and will wear yourself out for no reason. Get your priorities in order. Delegate if necessary. Do your part but without stepping on anyone's toes. It's a small step for you but a huge leap for your group.
At home
With your lover - Heat things up: Summer is when clothes start coming off, the days get longer, and different desires arise in relationships, and that is exactly what you can share with your partner. Even if you aren't the most affectionate type, remember all the good times you've shared together while on vacation. Get more intimate. This will do you more good than you think.
With your children - Be young at heart: Admit it: you have as much fun as your children making sandcastles or having sack races. Why shouldn't this continue once you've gotten back home? There is, after all, life after school and work, so keep playing and expressing your inner child. It's just too good!
At work
With your boss - Rely on your flexibility: You possess the enormous advantage of not letting yourself be put in a box. No matter what is suggested, or you are asked to do, you will quickly find your footing and put yourself at ease.l What a boon for your boss! You are responsive, flexible, versatile - your boss's Swiss Army knife. You are never caught off guard and are always a big help.
Leave your ego behind: And put the best interest of the company first. You will pour all your time and energy into making sure that work gets done on time and the way you asked. If you have to go back to the drawing board, no problem! And if you have to stay late at the office, it won't be out of the ordinary for you. You are here to learn and to do what you are asked - and do it right. Modesty? That's for other people! These experiences will be formative for your future. You will know to stay in your place when necessary and when the occasion presents itself.
With your coworkers - Have a heart: Business, and its unforgiving world, are not your style, not your thing. Even with the rivalries, or the fact that you have to walk all over others to get to the top, you will take care of those around you. This isn't just bland sentimentality; just respect and empathy. Working with someone as deeply human as yourself is rare, and your colleagues will know it.
Prioritize: It's impossible to do everything, and it's a bad idea to say yes to everything. It is up to you to be honest about your abilities. And about your coworkers', too. You will save loads of time by recognizing your own limits and figuring out just what your capacities are. This will prevent you from wandering off into a minefield with unsavory characters.
At home
With your lover - Be the driving force in your relationship: Don't expect your partner to do everything. Firstly, they could get fed up having to always be the one who does everything at home, and secondly, because it's a bad idea to be under their thumb. Love isn't just devotion to another, it's a change that requires you to be equals. You're not above them and vice versa. You're not just along for the ride in this relationship - you're one of the drivers. Everything's 50-50.
With your children - Let go: What if you continued to give them the freedom you gave them during vacation? Don't even bring up how complicated your schedules are; you know full well that that has nothing to do with it. Highly protective and devoted, you often try to protect them from anything and everything - especially themselves. It's a lost cause and rarely a good idea, since your children need to have their own experiences if you want them to grow and become responsible adults.