Whether they are clement or harsh, the beginnings of winter are not what naturally makes you jump with joy when it starts to peek out from the horizon. Yet our planet is signing a new lease with its human brethren regardless of their zodiac sign and invites us to be in harmony with it. And even if Capricorn begins the season, the other astrological signs are not left out because they have the ability to be noted thanks to their respective qualities. Here are some tips to be in phase as it should be.

Spread your wings and talents. You are not the type to be impressed by a deadly season, take out your camera and shoot places and people by chance, encounters, and inspiration. Every occasion is good: take pictures of the different views you have from your windows, depending on the weather and the light of the moment, take advantage of your daily walk, your jog or the dog's outing to fill up with impressions. Open an Instagram account and mail your premium artwork. Your trick: do not cheat with your art so that your photos are a reflection of yourself.
Pamper Yourself Focus on the essentials and learn to practice different yoga postures, to breathe well, to free yourself from false problems and to live in your heart. At home or at work, relax during the breaks and it will replace any sporting activity taking place. And then, if you feel a bit softer because you struggle to lose those few pounds that weigh down your body, put yourself on a healthy and effective diet, prefer hot lemon water every day, go for a walk and do not crack for sweet snacks. Add a little gym and you will love yourself more.
Go to bed early. Do not hang around in the evening doing nothing and going around in circles trying to keep yourself busy in vain. Turn off your phone and make the firm decision to go to bed early while reading a few pages before you leave for Morpheus Land. Your days will be grateful for the way you take care of yourself as well. And then, when the day comes, air out your living space to renew the confined air, take a daily walk, or even, for the bravest, a little jog. It suits you, you travel in your head and become more creative.
Become Light, Fresh and Joyful Do not hurt your body, think of it as a way of spending your days in good health. A hearty breakfast, sure, a reasonable lunch, as you know, but in the evening, dine light. You will fall asleep like a baby and wake up bright as a button. And if the days are dull, stay home with the children and organize a fort with them using blankets, sheets and cardboard. Add to that a nice little snack like a chocolate fondue with fruits and marshmallows.
Create the right atmosphere for the season. Get out of work, get some good relaxation tips, and treat yourself to a long bath or shower to unwind. Afterwards, you will end your day with a mint tea and enjoy the time that stretches so that your idleness continues till kingdom come. On what, if your leonine character is looking for brightness and light, sign up for a TV show to compose the audience, or even be a candidate for a game and enjoy a talk show, the staging, the spotlights and the atmosphere all in rhinestones.
Solve Riddles Organize an evening of investigation with your friends and launch in pursuit of the mystery assassin. Everyone will take on a role and discover a motive, a trait of character and a fun madness. The atmosphere can quickly become entertaining if everyone gets into it! The goal is to feel a cohesion, a unity in the group that will bring laughter and feed good memories for your future when you think back. Play your cards right all the same, because you like to win especially when your intellect is solicited.
Style your image. Get a trendy hairstyle and stop dreaming about the ones the models wear on the catwalks. Choose from sites that simulate your new hairstyle. In five seconds, with gel, tweezers, curlers, your hair will have style and your confidence will also gain volume! However, do not take the risk of cutting your hair yourself: there are limits to fantasy! Winter is not to let yourself down, but to continue to live well in your head.
Bondir de plaisir To let off steam in this gloomy hibernation, raise the level of joy and jump on a small indoor trampoline, it will get your blood and good, enthusiastic emotions flowing. Why not continue the same game with your kids on the mattress and do some tricks! This exercise is effective on your morale. You will not even need to meditate or read self-help books because you will have found a simple and galvanizing exercise to turn your season into a dance.
Color Your Winter Group old ceramic or wooden objects, either way, gather everything that goes unnoticed in your home and buy paint and brushes to redo the trinkets that need it. You do not have to fall into a kitsch spirit, with your free and creative fantasy, you will give a second life to your environment by making it chic and alive. Your sweet-home will give your guests the desire to stay because they will feel so good.
Read Promote reading and put aside screens, whether it's the phone, your iPad or your TV. It is recognized that it affects our balance and our brain in an unfavorable and harmful way in the long run. And this season, it's vital to store your energy and take care of yourself as you would with your child. Nourish your mind, immerse yourself in mnemonic exercises, start learning a language, easy learning methods are not lacking.
Infuse Balance Before going to sleep, drink a good herbal tea with soothing properties and sleep like a baby. You will feel much better at sunrise and will be able to more easily exercise your original look on the world with all the ardor that we expect from you. This could become your little evening ritual so that your days welcome you, fresh and light. You will be at the top.
Visit a virtual exhibition. Escape is a bit like your second nature. What if you added a touch of cultural madness to the thing? It is entirely up to you to be on the lookout for another dimension to taste it and bring it back with you to the real world so that you feel nourished by an irrational charm. Many museums have gone to great lengths to take you into the world of your favorite painters or into the world of artists you do not know but would love to discover.