A thorny discussion is coming up. It's time to put cards on the table and settle things once and for all. You are in great shape! But please, avoid carbonated drinks... Your stomach will thank you for it.
The agitation that prevails in your environment disturbs you; you handle tensions poorly, so isolate yourself, stay objective, and do not get involved in any controversy. It is alone that you give your best.
Even if you love to exist by yourself, the fact of existing in the eyes of the other reassures and comforts you. In love, you prefer action to passivity, so you can tell yourself that you are not going to be bored.
In a relationship: You manage to balance relationship life and family life, you are a superhero in your partner's eyes, and you love it! You always find little moments just for you and your sweetheart.
Single: The influences of the Moon are beneficial, you should take advantage of it to go out as some new encounters should lead to a serious romantic relationship. Luck is on your side, emotional happiness is reaching out to you.
You are too cautious to achieve a masterstroke in finance right now. One must dare to take advantage of opportunities; others do not hesitate to plunge in while you are holding back.
The day puts you on a launching pad that could propel you further than you can imagine. Take advantage of this exceptional circumstance to stock up during a period that demands a lot from you but gives just as much in return!
Even if you experience small inconveniences, your open-mindedness is sensitive to the distinct tastes of others. Within you is this desire to always know more, and this offers you opportunities to discover lesser-known authors and books.
What about your Decan today ?
The moon is in Aries, in position 05 degree(s), 52 minute(s): Fits of fancy, fits of impulse, fits of gloom, everything is spontaneous and no half measures.
First decan
Today will be a day full of laughter and happiness! Your good mood will be contagious. You will be moving through a dynamic world where your original ideas will be appreciated. Your boldness and charisma will be recognized.
Second decan
Under this Moon, you will have everything going for you and will be urged to action. You can't sit still and will be raring to go and take on some bold, new challenge. Try, however, to channel your energy effectively, or else you could end up wearing yourself out and make everyone's head spin.
Third decan
This Moon will urge you to express yourself zealously and jump immediately into action. You will move full steam ahead with every intention of taking the lead. You will be particularly effective and make good decisions.
Wait for a more opportune moment to manage your finances, instead try to maintain your assets discreetly; it shouldn't be difficult since you know how to be reasonable.
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