Your disguised verbal attacks with a smile will disarm the most stubborn; you will be positively disconcerting! You are definitely going too fast... Respect your own priorities and sleep more!
It is on your own that you will find positive inspiration to act at your best, avoid the hustle and bustle. It is time to finalize a project, to make the last adjustments before the actual launch.
Would you hesitate between two waters and between two people? If you can’t find an answer, take some time to reflect on what you really want. Why would you rush into your choices? Relax, there’s no rush.
In a relationship: By suggesting to your partner to change some of your daily habits, you bring a breath of fresh air to your relationship. However, your partner must immediately agree with your idea. You should be very convincing.
Single: Even if you are seeing someone right now and your relationship seems to be evolving positively, you are questioning it. You would like to get more from the person you love, don't wait to tell them.
Don't automatically get defensive with your interlocutors; you have an unfounded fear. Additionally, don't put yourself at odds with your colleagues; be supportive to preserve your cash flow in the long term.
It is possible that stress has an influence on the direction of your business. The power struggle is underway. Please, let go! Your words are distorted and turn against you. Say as little as possible...
Feel free to engage in physical activity to relieve stress, but be sure not to exceed your limits, which will allow you to offset certain excesses by using your sense of moderation and your taste for reasonable behavior.
What about your Decan today ?
The moon is in Pisces, in position 09 degree(s), 22 minute(s): Muddled atmosphere, disorganised, very emotional reactions, vulnerability, little common-sense.

First decan
Crises are possible if you assert yourself harshly. You are seeking a certain autonomy, which can lead to many outbursts. Fortunately, the sky is watching over all this turmoil and considerably strengthens your sensitivity, intuition, and depth of mind.

Second decan
You feel a great deal of anger towards the other person trying to impose his law on you and trying to restrict your sacrosanct freedom. You regain the upper hand and have more room to maneuver to resist his aggression.

Third decan
You are having trouble relating to your alter ego, or you feel that he or she is drifting away. Disputes have accumulated, and tension may have increased. You have endured intense pressures that have brought you to the brink of exasperation.
Nothing is urgent, there is no hurry! If you have choices to make, do them as calmly as possible. Making decisions in a rush has never helped anyone. Learn to put certain things into perspective.
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