Sagittarius: your weekly horoscope for next week December 23, 2024
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    Great atmosphere! With Mercury in your sign, you can count on favorable travel, rewarding contacts, meaningful exchanges and fulfilling relationships. Your routine unfreezes and opens up to higher aspirations, in-depth knowledge and, above all, projects that take on a new dimension.

    Sagittarius / Mood

    Your love, next week, Sagittarius

    A generous sky guarantees you happy outcomes and exciting encounters. It reinforces your seductive power and your magnetism. It boosts your faith in life, and nothing seems impossible. Therefore, it's time to bet on a somewhat promising future. You are a conqueror and irresistible. You are accompanied and delighted by it.

    Sagittarius / Love

    Sagittarius, your finances next week

    You manage your finances with extraordinary meticulousness. As a result, your piggy bank is doing just fine. This week, you can afford to make a larger than usual purchase. To make sure you get a good deal, use your gifts to negotiate. Don't hesitate to discuss the price. You won't cut it in half, but you will lower it significantly.

    Sagittarius / Money

    Next week wellbeing, Sagittarius

    You turn your back on tiring situations. You need to release the pressure, surround yourself with good people, and live in a healthy environment. You go to a quiet place to recharge your batteries. If you have to wait for the weekend to do so, the week is not stressful. On the contrary, tranquility and pleasure cradle your days. You could not hope for better.

    Sagittarius / Work

    Sagittarius, next week at work

    The sky makes your task easier and propels you forward without you having to move mountains. You have amply taken advantage of your retreat to prioritize and evacuate what is not essential. It's time for you to seduce an audience, a clientele, or your superiors. This climate gives you a charm that leaves no one indifferent.

    Sagittarius / Work

    Sagittarius: weekly advice

    This influence frees you from your shackles by granting you a beautiful freedom and a new potential to move towards more autonomy. This is the time to showcase your abilities by asking for a promotion or going on a job hunt: you have every chance of being heard, listened to and understood.

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