Mars goes retrograde on December 7 in Leo. This winter features many positive aspects and seemingly beneficial changes for our societies. Harmony prevails between Jupiter and Saturn, between Uranus and Neptune, and between Neptune and Pluto. The five "slow" planets are thus moving in unison and should bring order and harmony to our lives, although at times actions may be a bit nebulous (late December, when Mars squares Neptune). Mercury retrogrades until January 2, 2024, and will, as usual, slow down our mobility a bit, but nothing that can really hinder our progress.

Jupiter retrogrades at the beginning of Taurus on this winter solstice, in sextile with Saturn, which is in the early degrees of Pisces. The climate is conducive to ambitious projects. Willpower and rigor allow for the nurturing of goals that will be achieved with enthusiasm. The notion of justice is at the center of concerns, and this aspect can bring many positive developments in various societal structures, such as justice or administration. Jupiter in Taurus promotes the pursuit of well-being and contributes to personal fulfillment. It resumes its direct course on January 2, 2024.

Saturn at the beginning of Pisces brings wisdom and perspective to spirituality, establishing a structure around beliefs and promoting a lucid openness to unexplored realms... It's an opportunity to listen to your intuitions, premonitions, and hunches. Logic aligns with instinct; we must take advantage of this.

Uranus is still retrograde in Taurus. It will resume direct motion on January 19, 2024. During Uranus' retrograde, we mature our projects and develop new ideas that can be applied to the concrete reality of our existence. When Uranus goes direct again, we will feel a sudden desire to break out of routine, explore new horizons, and some will allow themselves to do things they have never done before. Over this winter, Uranus gradually moves into a sextile with Neptune. Thanks to this sextile, we can hope to be better informed, and the collective consciousness will turn towards improving the thought system to see things differently, to move out of an outdated world, to avoid boredom, and to see progress.

Neptune is still transiting the constellation of Pisces, playing at home in this humanitarian, dreamy, and benevolent sign. Neptune, positioned this way, acts as a liaison between Jupiter and Pluto: major upheavals are encouraged in respect of the values of justice and expansion, happiness, and benevolence.

Pluto has returned to Capricorn for a final waltz before entering Aquarius on January 17, 2024, where it will stay until 2042. These last weeks in Capricorn complete a metamorphosis of our societies that began in 2008 and is now coming to a conclusion. With Pluto in Aquarius, new technologies will transform our societies and the structures in which we evolve. The explosion of artificial intelligence is one of the signs of this profound transformation. Can we hope that the world will be better managed by an impartial machine than by human interests, often selfish and solely focused on money? In any case, we probably won't have a choice, so we might as well see the positive side of situations...

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Seasonal horoscope for Spring 2025