This spring, some are going through a period of intense personal transformation and aspire to communicate their ideals in a more conscious and serious way! Therefore, it’s not about skimming the surface, but truly delving deeper into the subject! Others may hope for the development of their creativity and can rely on top-notch seduction powers to flourish, both in love and elsewhere! Finally, some know how to make things happen within their family, relying on well-established (moral, material) guidelines to make progress!

Aquarius First decan, your horoscope for Spring 2025
Love: Getting Your Message Across!
You’ll likely find the right words to help those around you understand the deep changes you’re undergoing! You know how to communicate your messages in an inspired and meaningful way. Rely on Venus (until March 27 and again between April 30 and May 15) to communicate gently and act with kindness in support of your family (between June 6 and 16)! Jupiter will strengthen this trend from June 9, when you’ll do everything you can to improve your living conditions! However, be careful (on the 15th and 19th) not to overestimate your ability to manage everything effortlessly, as you may experience some disappointments (on the 15th and 19th)!
In Relationship
This spring, you’ll be seeking to explain your moods and emotions to your loved ones, and you can rely on astrological support to help you make your inner turmoil understandable to those who may not grasp its full extent. Throughout the season, you’ll know how to communicate without scaring anyone (except at the end of March, when you tend to raise your voice)! In June, while your desire to look after your loved ones’ well-being remains your priority (on the 5th and 8th), be cautious not to overestimate your own power!
This spring, you’re eager to share with those around you some insights to help them better understand your inner journey! You know how to combine rigor with subtlety to help those you love understand you better! Venus exalts your desire to maintain harmony around you (except at the end of March, when tensions may arise)! From June 9, Jupiter will reinforce your desire to serve the greater good! However, be careful not to overestimate your role (on the 15th and 19th), as this may lead to disappointment or the potential to disappoint others.
Social Life: Finding Balance!
A job, project, or file you started back in early November 2024 resurfaces this spring! From April 18 (until May 10), expect some tense debates and exchanges with partners who are resistant! Around April 27, it would be wise to temper your words. You know how to soften your approach with those who are sensitive to your arguments (on May 2, 6, 22, and 26)! From June 9, you’re encouraged to collaborate and develop your team spirit without abandoning your principles and ideas. However, this attitude could spark some friction (on the 15th and 19th).
Well-being: Regaining Your Strength!
Pluto continues to push you to reevaluate your priorities, urging you to shed anything from the past that holds you back. This spring, it’s essential to control your communication in order to rally those around you to a perspective that may surprise and unsettle them! You’ll need to conserve your energy to move forward with this process!
Aquarius First decan: your advice for Spring 2025
This spring, you’ll continuously influence your surroundings to prepare for your rebirth! It’s no longer about sacrificing yourself to avoid turbulence but about mobilizing gently to impose an increasingly visible inner change to the outside world!

Aquarius Second decan, your horoscope for Spring 2025
Love: Heartfelt Advantage!
Until April 24, Jupiter continues to support your emotional growth! Take advantage of this season, which seems free from significant astrological disruptions, to happily ride a trend of cooperation in your love life: reigniting the flame, building promising relationships, and, more generally, radiating and attracting others from all directions! Also, count on Venus to enhance tender exchanges (between May 15 and 26), where you know how to adjust your words to leave a lasting impression without upsetting anyone (on the 22nd)! Venus also intensifies your desire to spend quality time with your family at the end of the season (between June 16 and 25)! An excellent time for starting a family, expanding it, or moving to a place you love!
In Relationship
Under Jupiter’s influence (until April 24), you have all the tools to experience intense emotional moments. Whether with your partner or children, you’re eager to charm, seduce, and share the warmth within you! Venus strengthens this delightful trend between May 15 and 26, where your ability to communicate gently will touch hearts. Similarly, between June 16 and 25, you’ll be especially attentive to your loved ones and work zealously for everyone’s happiness!
This spring looks quite favorable for your happiness, so don’t hesitate to take your chances in love! Present yourself in the best light and shine brightly to attract attention! You won’t regret it, especially since you have a knack for charming those around you by showering them with attention and sweet words (between May 15 and 26)! This will melt the heart of others, and help you smooth over any heated exchanges (on the 22nd)! At the very end of the season, you can count on yourself to come to the aid of your loved ones, who will truly appreciate it!
Social Life: Creativity at its Peak!
Creative and inspired, you know how to communicate your ideas, which could win unanimous support around April 6! Until the 24th, Jupiter fuels your desire to attract attention, perhaps even impressing the crowd! Also, count on Mars (between May 10 and 30) to step out with convincing arguments to persuade your partners and collaborators to follow your lead! Just be careful not to put too much pressure on them, and make sure to convey your messages gently to achieve your goals (on the 22nd)! Between May 31 and June 10, the Sun again boosts your ability to shine brightly!
Well-being: All Good!
This spring, you benefit from strong astrological immunity, which should allow you to navigate the season without running out of fuel. You’ll be able to show what you’re capable of and shine brightly! Just be mindful to use your physical and emotional resources wisely to accumulate good points and preserve your health and mental well-being, so you enter the summer in full possession of your abilities!
Aquarius Second decan: your advice for Spring 2025
Take full advantage of this spring, which presents no major obstacles, to carve out your place in the sun, becoming indispensable both professionally and socially, as well as in your love life!

Aquarius Third decan, your horoscope for Spring 2025
Love: Just Growing?
Your family life has been evolving since 2023! Uranus is undeniably shaking things up, urging you to break free from conditioning tied to your ancestry and upbringing, patterns that have outlived their time! This spring, count on an astral environment that will allow you, especially around April 4, to make changes while maintaining some continuity and preserving what remains solid and stable. Starting April 24, Jupiter enters the scene and boosts your seductive power! This is a great opportunity to reignite the flame if you're already in a relationship, or to spark a new connection if you're searching for your soulmate!
In Relationship
This spring, you likely have the chance to make significant changes in the way you manage your family life. In April (especially on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 25th), you’ll know how to combine enlightened conservatism with a desire for novelty. It's not about holding onto untenable positions but also avoiding destabilizing your loved ones by acting impulsively. The goal is to find a balance between the past and the future. Starting April 24, Jupiter will bring sunshine to your emotional life, endowing you with irresistible charm!
If you've been longing (and sometimes since 2023) to break free from a family burden that hinders your fulfillment, this spring (especially in April), you'll succeed in balancing the preservation of what matters with the liberation from the constraints that have prevented your personal growth! The winds are blowing in your favor this spring, without being destructive, enabling you to move forward. From April 24 to June 9, Jupiter will shower you with its blessings, potentially fostering romantic encounters and tender relationships!
Social Life: Cards to Play!
Until April 18, you're putting in a lot of effort to defend both the company's interests and your own. Your goodwill doesn't go unnoticed, and it should convince your superiors that you're a valuable asset! Starting April 24, under Jupiter’s influence, you could really shine. Additionally, from May 30 to June 17, Mars will support you in defending your viewpoints energetically! However, be careful not to force things (on the 15th), as this might result in imposing your ideas at all costs. If you communicate with tact and diplomacy (on the 5th and 6th), everything will go wonderfully!
Well-being: Getting Closer to the Goal!
While your family and private life may be somewhat unsettled due to profound changes, you have all the energy you need to navigate the challenges ahead. If the necessary compromises for your liberation feel burdensome, remember that you're making significant progress and taking big steps toward your goals!
Aquarius Third decan: your advice for Spring 2025
Don't hesitate to undertake the necessary overhaul of your family and private dynamics! This could bring you closer to the ideal you have in mind, an ideal that could start to materialize from April 24, with the precious help of Jupiter for your fulfillment!
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