If others remain perplexed by a situation, it is not your case. You take the lead. You find solutions very quickly as soon as a problem or difficulty arises. Your week promises to be dynamic in every way. Everything is going well, even if you find it hard to believe.

This week in love for Aquarius
Your goodwill is the key to the smooth running of your love affairs. Your lucidity becomes more precise in this area in a radical way. This leads you to see clearly into your partner's behaviour and intentions. You will make useful discoveries by asking your partner extremely relevant questions without hurting their feelings.

Aquarius, your finances this week
Some of today's sacrifices are the harbingers of tomorrow's happiness, which is something you should meditate on this week. Your finances have been hanging on by a thread for some time. Your banker might get bored, your friends and family might not listen to you complain about your money worries due to your lousy management. Don't spend money indiscriminately. Think before you act, and everything will be back in order!

This week in shape, Aquarius
Set aside some time to take restorative breaks and pamper yourself. Suppose you don't take a break from time to time. In that case, you'll find it hard to keep up because your private life is very energy-intensive, and your professional life is no less voracious. So be prepared to manage your resources and not waste your precious capital.

Aquarius, this week at work
If you are still looking for your brands, do not worry, you have some time ahead of you, this week your motivation allows you to multiply your efforts, when it comes to selling yourself you are convincing and determined. You benefit from the support of your loved ones. You find the solution to a professional problem, you are relieved. Knowing that you are appreciated by others gives you self-confidence. A quick change is in the offing.

Aquarius: your advice for next week
Don't change anything in your habits or your behavior, especially for others. At the moment, everything is going well for you. You are responsible and determined in your decisions. You can't be blamed for the opposite. Continue and persevere. You are on the road to success.
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