Card number XVII is the Star. On it is a naked woman, kneeling at the edge of a river. Yellow and blue stars light up the sky. This card symbolises sincerity and humility in the face of nature's greatness. The Star represents generosity, greatness, and sharing. The Star card is very positive, a sign of renewal, rebirth, and purity. Dreams will come true or be productive, thanks to the positive effects of the Star. The consultant will follow their destiny, their guiding star, and move along their path untroubled. A weight will be lifted from them, and they will be renewed with energy, from finding serenity and being able to start anew at last.

The Star card can represent people who are surrounded by a lot of success (public figures, for example), or generous people who give a lot of themselves to others, such as nurses, teachers, etc.

Drawn face up
The Star card drawn upright symbolises peace. The consultant gives and receives without expecting anything in return. They are serene, and not after anything. Seeking their own self-interest is naturally put to one side, because they are happy. This is a positive card and a sign of protection; the future is promising. The consultant will have a clear idea of their situation, and know how they need to proceed; their path will be clear.
Its meanings: generosity, peace, faith, trust, beauty, success
Drawn upside-down
The Star card drawn upside-down is the complete opposite; it has a negative meaning. The consultant will run into difficulty, acting without thinking, and making a lot of mistakes as a result. They will isolate themselves, and their light will turn to darkness.
Its meanings: isolation, mistrust, misfortune
The first meaning of this card is peace, harmony, and serene love. It represents man developing his sense of sharing, revealing all his beauty to others.