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    You evolve in a reassuring and protective relationship context. The energies that emanate from Capricorn help you avoid unpleasant surprises and they attract the right people. In case of unexpected difficulties, they bring you the solution. In this favorable climate, you have every chance on your side to make your wishes come true. However, these energies may, in the long run, seem like a waste of time. You feel like you're going around in circles. Mars in Gemini makes you come out of this protective zone. He makes you look sweet. He promises you, but it is not sure that he respects them. Before making a decision that would embarrass you later, talk to someone you trust and who is good at giving advice.

    Love in General:

    Your loves are paused. You have trouble expressing your feelings. Or it is the others who stay behind. Thanks to Venus passing through your sign on the 28th, you know where you are. Your loves are starting on the right foot and in the right direction.

    In a relationship:

    This month there is no big passion. A global cluster pushes you to take stock of your feelings and yourself. At the end of the month, you know what you want and what you do not want anymore.


    You will certainly find the time long because it is only from the 28th that your loves regain all their brilliance. From this date, the impossible becomes possible. Someone you met finally declares their passion and intentions.

    Career / Finance:

    Your activity is on track. You just have to take care of it every day as you know how to do so well. However, don't fall asleep on your laurels. Stay alert, and don't trust those who make promises to you. Pisces, this month, take your courage in both hands and dare to say no! Rest assured, it will not make you a brutal person, but a person who has discernment. On the financial side, this sector is under the protection of Jupiter. Although receipts are irregular, your finances are doing well and are on the rise.

    Advice from FREE Horoscope:

    This month, be tight with promises and beautiful words. See beyond appearances. This will prevent you from embarking on illusory plans that would compromise your ambitions.

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